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Pontius Pilatus
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughPilate was in a bind. He believed Jesus to be innocent, and he tried every conceivable way to avoid having to pass judgment on Him, but finally caved.
The House of Annas
CGG Weekly by John ReissThe most powerful Sadducee in the first century was Annas, who was appointed high priest. Accumulating impressive power at an early age, Annas used it well.
Proofs of Christ's Resurrection
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThere is more corroboration of evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ and His life experiences than that regarding Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar.
The Miracles of Jesus Christ: The Resurrection of Lazarus (Part Two)
Bible Study by Martin G. CollinsJesus' resurrection of His friend Lazarus from the dead proved to be the final straw for the Jews who were trying to kill Him.
Jesus Christ's Trial (Part Two)
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsThe arrest, trials, and crucifixion of Jesus were unlawful at every turn. Here are 5 reasons why.
Where Is Your Ultimate Allegiance?
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsWhen the laws of God conflict with the laws of man, civil disobedience is the only correct response, as was patterned by Peter, Paul, and the apostles.
John (Part Twenty-Six)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughWhile the other accounts of Jesus' trial and crucifixion seem to show passivity, John shows Jesus totally in charge, purposefully and courageously moving.
God Meant it for Good
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsIf one does good, following God's instructions, persecution is automatically promised as a consequence, just as Christ paid with His life for His good works.
Four Views of Christ (Part 5)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughLuke's gospel portrays Christ as the son of man, the high priest of man, and the savior of man, having all the feelings, compassions, and aspirations of man.