
playlist Go to the Attitude (topic) playlist

Attitude Is Everything

Commentary by Bill Onisick

We must wrest control of the narrative away from Satan, the Destroyer, expert in promulgating misinformation, focusing instead on the end of the story.

Having a Right Attitude

Article by John O. Reid

Not only must Christians follow true doctrines, but they must also live God's way in the proper attitude. Here are lessons from Jonah's and Moses' examples.

Servant Attitude

Sermonette by Bill Onisick

If we follow Christ's example of assuming the attitude of a servant, living in accordance with the will of God, the fruits of the Spirit should be recognized.

What's Your Attitude?

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The Scriptures reveal that attitude or disposition constitutes the critical difference between pleasing God and incurring God's wrath.

Job and Self-Evaluation (Part Three): Attitude

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Job had not achieved spiritual maturity, but had assumed the arrogant stance of attempting to debate the Creator on his own level.

Be Happy (Part One)

CGG Weekly by Gary Montgomery

As we age, the pressures of life, work, and experience all contribute to wearing us down. Only a few seem to have learned to remain happy despite hardship.

Small, But Significant

'Ready Answer' by Staff

Sometimes small things make big impacts, such as Simon of Cyrene's carrying of Christ's cross. Do we consider our 'smallness' to be a blessing or a curse?

Reasons for Optimism

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The epilogue to Job's story reveals a lesson for us. Job's 'golden age' was before him, not behind, and the key to his optimism was his relationship with God.

Ecclesiastes and Christian Living (Part Three): Time

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

Solomon reveals that God is solidly in control of time. Knowing that God is sovereign over time should fill us with faith in God's workmanship.

Ecclesiastes Resumed (Part Eight): Time

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

We must realize that God is sovereign over time all the time, even as it is running out for all of us. God works to make the most of every situation in our lives.

Are You Happy? (Part Two)

CGG Weekly by Ronny H. Graham

Attitude plays a crucial role in bringing us closer to or taking us further away from happiness. Here are five emotional diseases that eat away at happiness.

Its All the Rage

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

The mercurial fads in fashion and music have a lot to do with what the Germans refer to as Zeitgeist - or the spirit of the times or spirit of the age.

We Can Make It!

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

This is the time to make the most of what we have experienced, establishing our spiritual priorities, and reflecting deeply on why we gave ourselves to God.

Are These the Last Days? (Part 2)

'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

According to the book, 13th Gen: Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail?, those born between 1961-1981 belongs to the 13th Generation, the 13th since America's Founding Fathers.

Supernatural Gifts

Sermonette by Mark Schindler

Attitude, attitude, and attitude should lead us to correctly estimate the value of God's spiritual gifts.

Be Still!

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The end-time proclivity of 'running to and fro' like so many ants is not something of God. He did not intend for us to live in such a fast-paced world.

Do We See Ourselves As God Sees Us?

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Praying without gratitude is like clipping the wings of prayer. Thankfulness is not natural to carnal human nature which loves to grovel as a timid worrywart.

We Can Make It!

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

A disciple cannot escape the kind of persecution directed against his teacher. In the wake of this kind of abuse, people can succumb to depression.

Pride, Humility, and the Day of Atonement

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

The Day of Atonement, when God commands us to afflict our souls, is a day of self-evaluation and repentance to seek unity with Him and our brethren.

Whatever We Ask

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Prayer comes under attack if we live double-lives, giving us a guilty conscience, not practicing what we have been taught, allowing our hearts to condemn us.