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Answered Prayer Through Faith

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

For prayer to be successful, our petitions must be specific and synchronized to God's will, but we must patiently and humbly accept God's timetable.

The Prayer Conundrum

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Why are some prayers answered and some not? Why are some people miraculously healed, while others with the same affliction suffer ghastly declines and die?

Unanswered Prayer

Sermonette by James Beaubelle

Even though we often must wait for a response, God listens closely to our prayers from the heart and is looking out for our best interests.


Sermonette by James Beaubelle

Praying according to God's will means overriding our own desire, using forethought in our petitions, realizing that God's direction is steadier than our own.

Prayer Makes a Difference

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

God expects us to intercede in behalf of others, but we must do this with wisdom, sincerity, and humility, with the help of God's Spirit, according to God's will.

Ask, Seek, Knock

'Ready Answer' by John O. Reid

When we are searching for a solution to a problem, we should actively expend effort to resolve the difficulty. Jesus gives three different forms of seeking.

When Will God Answer?

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

God does not delay because of indifference, but wants to provide maximum opportunity for repenting, overcoming, and building character.

Giving Glory to God

CGG Weekly by Mike Fuhrer

Christ expects us to ask for His help, and when He gives it, He does it to glorify His Father. When He thus responds, we should glorify God by praising Him.

The Miracles of Jesus Christ: Healing Two Blind Men (Part One)

Bible Study by Martin G. Collins

Two blind men doggedly follow Jesus into a house so that He will restore their sight to them. Here are the lessons we can learn from these two supplicants.

Habakkuk: A Prophet of Faith (Part Four)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

We may find God's means of correction discouraging, but when we place His actions in context with His overall plan, we can find peace in God's sovereignty.

Faith to Face the Fire

'Ready Answer' by Staff

We sometimes mistake faith for certainty about God's will. However, faith is not knowing what God will do but trusting Him to do what is best for us.

What's Going On Up There?

Article by Staff

Does it seem like your prayers never reach God's throne—that at best they are only recorded on His answering machine? Here is another way to look at prayer.

Manoah (Part Two)

CGG Weekly by Mike Ford

Commentators think very little of Manoah, Samson's father, but a closer look at Judges 13 shows he is an example of true masculinity.

The Grand Secret!

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

God reveals a grand secret through David: namely, that spiritual growth will come to people who set the Lord before oneself continuously.

The Spiritual Hard Hat Zone

'Ready Answer' by David F. Maas

Christian's lives are constantly under construction. It is this point of view that makes it easier for us to deal with both setbacks and progress.

How Much Does God Love Us? (Part Two)

'Ready Answer' by Pat Higgins

Christians have difficulty trusting in God's limitless love for His elect. But if they do, it provides a genuine power to overcome life's challenges.

Lamentations (Part Five; 1989)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Amidst the devastation, the narrator has hope that God would rescue his humbled people. Though He punishes, God is still faithful and loyal to His people.

Anointing With Oil

Sermon by Ted E. Bowling

Being anointed is no guarantee of healing unless it is part of God's will. Sometimes a thorn in the flesh may produce some undeveloped character.

Matthew (Part Twenty-Seven)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem fulfilled prophecies. The crowds welcoming Jesus were actually choosing the Paschal Lamb of God on Abib/Nisan 10.

A God Near at Hand

Sermonette by Ryan McClure

Deists believe that creation proves the existence of God, yet they assert that God has left this marvelous and interdependent creation to manage itself.

The Sovereignty of God (Part Eight)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The purpose of prayer is not to overcome God's reluctance, but to help in yielding to His will. 'Prayer changes things' is only true if it conforms to God's will.

Is God a Magician?

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Technology makes us susceptible to the 'quick fix' mentality, expecting miraculous solutions to all problems, making us susceptible to false miracles.

How Satan Destroys Faith

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Because we act on what we believe, any affront to our belief system will alter our choices and behavior, placing us on a destructive trajectory.

Sin: The Wall That Separates

Sermonette by Ted E. Bowling

Our sins separate us from God; if we want to walk with God, it must be without sin. It is for our benefit that God holds such a high standard.


Sermon by John O. Reid

Many people live in a state of discontent. Tragically, what they set their hearts upon often displaces the love for family and a relationship with God.

Lamentations (Part Six; 1989)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Lamentations 3 looks at the horrible affliction of the people and sees good coming from tribulation because it has been God's tool of correction.