Sermon: Job and Self-Evaluation (Part Two): Perspective

Assumptions and Misconceptions

Given 05-Mar-22; 82 minutes


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People make assumptions and snap judgments all the time, judging not only by surface appearances, but also from what they assume to be true from past world views with their built-in biases. Job's three so-called 'friends,' exemplars of all humanity, made critical assumptions and judgments about Job on the basis of biased religious and cultural tradition, getting everything wrong. In light of Job's relationship with God, Job has been characterized by Almighty God as blameless and upright, fearing his Maker and shunning evil, in the same league with Noah and Daniel. The book of Job with its prologue, lengthy dialogues, and epilogue, could be described as an academic colloquium, in which different speakers deliver their emotional (but pitifully short on logical) orations as a rhetorical competition, each trying to outdo the other in 'counseling' Job. Totally steeped in retributive justice based on simplistic interpretations of cause and effect, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar missed the mark, failing to understand other reasons or purposes for suffering, failing to discern the character of Almighty God, and inflicting cruelty on someone they were supposed to comfort, all jumping to the conclusion that Job has committed a great sin. Job, who was on a different page than his 'friends,' had already been through a deeply introspective bout of self-examination and recognized the utter futility as well as the cruelty of their counsel, desired a bold one-on-one dialogue with Almighty God, never accusing God of sin, with the sole purpose of understanding the meaning of his suffering. God pushed Job into a much higher level of understanding, showing him that he was putting his spiritual growth on a fast track. Like Job, we must evaluate ourselves, dropping preconceived assumptions, probing with an unblinded sense of reality.

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