Sermon: The Poor in Spirit

The Attitude of Spiritual Deficiency

Given 16-Apr-22; 69 minutes


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Service-oriented jobs requiring interface with the public (such as flight attendants or waiters) have become increasingly thankless and unpleasant because of jerks demanding their rights, having a me, me, me, me narcissistic carnal nature. The harshest trials on earth result from trying to accommodate a self-centered, needy-for-attention squeaky wheel. Samson's horrendous trials resulted from his being pampered from infancy with parents who gave into his every whim. Job's lengthy treatise could have been significantly shortened if the woe-is-me attitude could have been held in check. The key to shortening fiery trials is to exchange a prideful 'me first' attitude with poverty of spirit, meaning that one needs to acknowledge his dependence upon Almighty God for everything. After Jesus magnified the Law, making the "Big Ten" more than isolated motor behaviors to a change in attitude, beginning with the heart and moving outward, to be poor in spirit made one needy for God's Holy Spirit, the mind of Christ (I Corinthians 2:16), inclined to tremble at the Word of God (Isaiah 66:2). Nothing that we could ever produce or say could impress Almighty God, except for our contrition, acknowledgment of our infirmity, and our remorse for our sins which displease God, in other words putting Almighty God as our top priority—an action which will liberate us from all dread and turmoil to which the wicked (the proud in spirit) are subject (Isaiah 57:14-21). By exchanging the corrupt deceitful heart (Jeremiah 17:9) for the mind of Christ (Romans 10:4, I Corinthians 2:16; Hebrews 8:10), we will acknowledge our poverty of spirit and our total dependence upon Almighty God.

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