Sermon: The Bread and Wine of Passover


Given 04-Feb-23; 67 minutes


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Though the New Covenant church has far fewer rituals (acts carried out for religious purposes having a symbolic meaning) than the Old Covenant system, God intends that they serve as effective teaching instruments. The Passover reminds us of the New Covenant on the anniversary of the historic covenant God made with Abraham using the original elements of the fellowship meal between Melchizedek and Abraham, namely bread and wine. Bread and wine serve metonymically as an entire meal in which people are peacefully reconciled as in a peace offering, in which an exemption is made for the people God intends to later perfect in a sanctifying process, with sins passed over until that can take place. Bread is a symbol for what sustains life, a physical symbol for the Spiritual Bread of Eternal Life, represented by Our Lord and Savior, which cannot be satisfied with anything physical. When spiritual siblings partake of the broken bread at the Passover service, they acknowledge community with one another and with the Head of the Body, Jesus Christ). The bread of life is a symbol of the sinless life that Jesus lived, offering it to His followers, that they may be strengthened to follow His sinless example. The wine, symbolizing Christ's blood (also metonymically representing life), has the physical capacity to make the heart glad, causing rejoicing, sealing the new covenant, consumed internally rather than being sprinkled upon, because with the implanting of God's Holy Spirit, God's holy and spiritual law becomes our new nature.

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