Sermon: Four Warnings (Part Four): Founded on the Rock

Remaining Centered on Christ

Given 03-Feb-24; 81 minutes


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The series of warnings at the conclusion of the Beatitudes resemble the descending spiral of an eagle descending on its prey. God's chosen saints are warned to, 1.) enter the narrow gate, 2.) judge or evaluate false prophets by their fruit, 3.) remember that God requires obedience and repentance in addition to confession only, and 4.) to build on a foundation of solid rock rather than sand. Jesus Chris as God incarnate is the Corner Stone, the rock on whom believers are asked to construct their spiritual lives rather than on grains of sand. Only solid bedrock-the teachings of Christ-will preserve believers from the ravages of storms. Sadly, human beings, even those with God's spirit, are often drawn to human nature, and their obedience to Christ waxes and wanes like the phases of the moon. Our Lord knows we are weak and are inclined to stumble. In our spiritual journey, we sometimes like to mix the solid foundation of Christ's teachings with the sand of worldly philosophies and traditions, picking and choosing according to our whims and preferences, as is the case of nominal Christianity, with the doctrine of eternal security regardless of whether we faithfully do His commandments or not. Mixing God's word with other philosophies makes a competitive mélange that will not hold together, producing a mental chaos in our heads. God's word does not mix with satanic practices. As God's chosen saints, we are warned to not, 1.) trust ourselves more than Christ, 2.) be unwilling to bear our own cross or mental struggle, 3.) refuse to finish what we have started, and 4.) surrender to the enemy by compromising on God's principles. Thankfully, with Christ's help and our diligence in following, we are assured that we can make it.

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