Sermon: Old Testament: Fruit of the Spirit (Part Three)

Speaks the Truth

Given 20-Apr-24; 37 minutes


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In answer to David's question in Psalm 2 as to who may dwell on God's holy hill, "He who speaks the truth in His heart" applies to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who spoke God's truth to the hostile religious leaders who regarded the truth as a threat to their position, and to Stephen who lost his life giving testimony before a group called "Freedmen of the synagogue," vindictive Hellenistic Jews who employed false witnesses to ensure the murder of Stephen for allegedly speaking against the law. Evidently, both God the Father and Jesus Christ gave Stephen a standing ovation for speaking the truth from the depths of his heart. In contrast to Stephen who spoke the truth fearlessly, Haman the sullen, deceitful Amalekite, who, like the Pharisees, valued his position more than the truth, gave into an uncontrolled hatred for Mordecai and his people (including Queen Esther). Having the ear of the king he began craftily describing Mordecai's people as those who do not keep the laws of the king. The king trusted Haman's judgment and signed into law a command to execute all Jews. Haman had constructed a 75-foot gallows ensuring a rapid decapitation for Mordecai. After Haman's evil backbiting became exposed by Esther, Haman's sentence was quick, losing his head and entire household. As we approach Passover, we need to ponder whether we will receive a standing ovation from God or will we be taken off to the gallows?

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