Sermonette: The Eighth Day (2019)


Given 21-Oct-19; 21 minutes


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The Eight Day (often called the Last Great Day) has little written about it. The root of the Hebrew word for "eight" connotes abundance and overabundance. On the eighth day, Israelites could abandon their temporary dwelling and return home, if that were practical. Compared to the Feast of Tabernacles, God halved the number of required offerings, and rejoicing was not explicitly commanded. Scripture contains other occurrences of seven days of one activity (related to holiness or the worship of God), followed by an eighth day capstone, such as circumcision, the dedication of firstborn animals, and laws concerning leprosy and the accidental breaking of a Nazirite vow. The Feast of Tabernacles plus the Eighth Day appears to be a strong echo of the consecration of priests in Leviticus 8-9. If Jesus were born on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles (as suggested by Bullinger), He would have tabernacled with His people in temporary quarters for eight days (in a manger or booth) and would have been circumcised on the eighth day, a sign of entering the Covenant as a Man.

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