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A Light To The World

Commentary by Mark Schindler

Exposure to more than two hours per day on digital screens lowers scores on thinking and language tests. We must not abandon our children to smartphones.

A City on a Hill (Part One)

CGG Weekly by John Reiss

The eyes of the world are on those who seek to be God's servants. Consider these stories of people whose inspiring examples serve as witnesses to God's character.

God's Epistle

Sermon by John O. Reid

We as Christians have the obligation or responsibility to provide a light or shining example in a darkened world that generally hates God's way.

To the Glory of God

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

As we reflect God in our behavior through imitating Jesus Christ, occasionally accepting His suffering when called upon, we reciprocally glorify the Father.

Glorify You Me

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John O. Reid

The purpose of our calling is not the place of safety, but that we glorify God, following the example of Jesus Christ.

Deuteronomy: Hearing

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

By listening, taking heed, and drinking in of God's Word daily, we take on the wisdom of God, upending and making foolish the wisdom of man.

The Christian Walk: In Light

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Between Genesis 1:2 and Genesis 1:3 describes a period after which Satan rebelled against God in which the Hebrew words tohu and bohu depict the solar system suffering the devastating, horrible results of sin and rebellion. In this same passage, we are aware of the Holy Spirit, hovering like a dove, indicating that God went to …