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First Things First (Part Three): Walking With God
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeAbel's example of alignment with God precedes Enoch's example of walking with God, and they both precede Noah's example of faithfully witnessing for God.
Principled Living (Part Five): Witnessing of God
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughOur best witness is often through our unspoken behavior; what we do speaks volumes. God gives us a charge to bear His name with dignity in all our actions.
You Are My Witnesses That I Am God
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsChrist's trial and crucifixion were not historical accidents; rather, God prophesied both events in minute detail in Old Testament scriptures.
God's Two Witnesses
'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. RitenbaughWho fulfills the roles of the Two Witnesses? Revelation 11 and Zechariah 4 shed light on the early work and fundamental character of these end-time prophets.
How God Deals With Conscience (Part Two)
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsWe may have guilty consciences like Joseph's brothers and self-pity like Jacob, but we can break through if we acknowledge God as Jacob and Elisha did.
Taking God's Name in Vain
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughGod's prohibition against taking His name in vain covers a broad array of words and behaviors that reflect negatively upon Him.
'You Are My Witnesses...'
Article by Martin G. CollinsWhat is a witness? Here is how the term is used in both Old and New Testaments, including the everyday witness of a Christian and the end-time Two Witnesses.
To the Glory of God
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsAs we reflect God in our behavior through imitating Jesus Christ, occasionally accepting His suffering when called upon, we reciprocally glorify the Father.
First Things First (Part One): Access to God
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeThe lessons of Abel, Enoch, and Noah in Hebrews 11 are sequential. The lesson of Abel's faith must be understood before Enoch's example can be followed.
Where God Places His Name (Part Two)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughBecause we would die from exposure to God's glory, the name of God, reflecting His characteristics, is the only way we can approach God.
God's Epistle
Sermon by John O. ReidWe as Christians have the obligation or responsibility to provide a light or shining example in a darkened world that generally hates God's way.
Increased With Goods
Sermonette by James BeaubelleThe Laodicean congregation had a penchant toward materialism, which sidetracked them from their primary goal of following Christ.
First Things First (Part Four): Faithfully Witnessing
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeGod's measure of success for Noah was not how many sinners he saved from the Flood. If numeric results were God's measure of success, Noah would be a failure.
Works of God
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThe idea that the 'work of God' is equated with 'preaching the gospel around the world as a witness' severely limits the awesome scope of God's work.
Reach for the Goal
Sermon by John O. ReidSimilar to the way people pull together in times of crisis, we must also have a goal, a vision of the finish line, in order to overcome and grow.
God's Workmanship (Part 4)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughSalvation is not a one time event, but a continuous process—not just immunity from death, but a total transformation of our nature into a new creation.
The Fear of God (Part One)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. RitenbaughWe must have established some relationship with God before we can rightly fear Him. A holy fear is the key to unlocking the treasuries of salvation and wisdom.
The Nature of God: Elohim
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughUnderstanding Elohim teaches us about the nature of God and where our lives are headed. Elohim refers to a plural family unit in the process of expanding.
How Does God View Human Government?
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsAs obnoxious as tyrannical power may seem, we have the obligation to behave lawfully. Even the vilest of leaders has been allowed by God to rule.
The Signs of God (Part Two)
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeCorrect actions become a sign—a witness—even without any preaching, which is why God's words are symbolically bound to the hand rather than the tongue.
Philip the Witness
Sermonette by Ted E. BowlingPhilip teaches us that we do not have to preach to multitudes in order to be used by God; we never know in what capacity God may use us.
The Two Witnesses (Part Four)
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThe seven golden lamps symbolize 7 churches, empowered by abundant oil, manifested as spiritual words. Zerubbabel is a type of Christ, finishing the Temple.
Pillars Stand for Something!
Article by John O. ReidGod has called us to be "faithful pillars" in His house. The Bible teaches what we need to be doing to become pillars, and the reward of a "faithful pillar."
This Little Light of Mine
CGG Weekly by Gary MontgomeryNo sincere and humble Christian lives in vain. Even the feeblest light at midnight is of use. How brightly has our light shined this past year?
Parable of the Light
Bible Study by Martin G. CollinsOne of Jesus' most remembered sayings concerns the Parable of the Light. The Bible Study explains how we can let our light shine both in the world and at home.
The Model Prayer (Part Three): Hallowed Be Your Name
Bible Study by Richard T. RitenbaughHallowing God's name, part of Jesus' Model Prayer, occurs when Christians obey God's instructions and seek to transform into His character image.
Proselytism Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (Part One)
Article by Charles WhitakerProselytism has become a bad word in today's discourse, but it has not always been that way. Here is the Bible's view of evangelism from both Testaments.
Matthew (Part Six)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughThose who are meek are capable of anger but keep it under control. They are humble, open-minded, willing to listen, don't jump to conclusions, and aren't defensive.
'All Mine Are Yours!'
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsChrist prays for us as He did for His original disciples because we, too, have been called by the Father. Christ values us because the Father values us.
A City on a Hill (Part Two)
CGG Weekly by John ReissWe may never be featured in a museum, receive a Medal of Honor, or be the subject of a movie, but we can still be outstanding examples with our own lives.
'This Gospel of the Kingdom Shall Be Preached'
'Prophecy Watch' by David C. GrabbeMany fail to understand that Matthew 24:14 is a prophecy and instead read it as a commission. God will ensure His gospel is preached; we follow His lead.
If the Lord Wills
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeDo we prefer to take matters into our own hands, make our own plans, and look to God for a blessing only after we have decided what needs to be done?
The Third Commandment: Idolatry
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughIn the the Third Commandment, God's name describes His character, attributes, and nature. If we bear God's name, we must reflect His image and His character.
Holiness (Part 2)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughHoly things are set apart from the rest, consecrated, sanctified, and transcendentally separate. God wants to transform us into that very image.
Suffering Disgrace For Christ's Name
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsWe can always expect new challenges, including persecution, and must never be content with standing still, but must press on to spiritual maturity.
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughAlthough many have gone through sore trials, virtually no one has gone through the nightmarish persecutions suffered by the early Christians in Imperial Rome.
A City on a Hill (Part One)
CGG Weekly by John ReissThe eyes of the world are on those who seek to be God's servants. Consider these stories of people whose inspiring examples serve as witnesses to God's character.
The Holy Spirit
Sermonette by David C. GrabbeGod's Holy Spirit typically refers to the mind of God and Christ, which is added to our human spirit to create a sound mind by which we witness of God.
The Christian Walk (Part Two): In Light
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughTo His disciples, Christ admonishes us to follow the light, imitate (or do) the light, and become sons of the light; to not just reflect light but become it.