Commentary: Liberalism, in the News Again

Hilary Rosen Speaks Out

Given 14-Apr-12; 12 minutes


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Mitt Romney is perhaps closer to the current President's views than any of the others. Nevertheless, the leftist Democrat propaganda machine, headed by militant feminist Hillary Rosen, has savagely attacked Mrs. Romney as a "stay-at-home wife who has never worked a day in her life"—demonstrating a typical tenet of progressive liberal thought. Liberals carry with them a smug, supercilious, pompous attitude that they are smarter, wiser, and more articulate than the great unwashed masses, and have a "divine right" to govern over others. The definition of conserve is "to protect and keep safe from harm." Conservatism is a political philosophy which calls for stability and the protection of established institutions. Liberals think conservatives are stuck in the past. Ironically, the term liberal referred to a person who was "born free" and less restrained. Classically, the term liberal denoted generosity and open-handedness. Liberalism had its beginning in the Protestant churches, advocating considerable latitude of scriptural interpretation, leading to a kind of independent humanism. Liberalism believes in progress and the essential goodness in man, in contradistinction to God Almighty's appraisal (Romans 8:7). Liberalism is not all bad, nor is conservatism all good; both philosophies have a niche or place in balanced life. But either philosophy, when taken to extremes, brings about pernicious, tyrannical consequences. Each destroys personal freedom. The current poison is run-away liberalism, practiced by both America and Britain, strangling our freedoms while promoting blatant immorality. Satan was perhaps the first liberal agitator, challenging God's "constraining rules."


It's pretty clear at this point that since Rick Santorum has dropped from the Republican primary race, the upcoming election is going to be a battle between President Obama and the Republican Mitt Romney. Pundits have been concerned right along as to which of the Republican challengers is most conservative, and which is the one most similar to President Obama in their political leanings. At the present time, it seems that the one most similar to the President is the one chosen.

Just when it looked as though things had settled down to a more decipherable routine, a person with some closeness to the President in an advisory role entered into the fray by saying during an interview on CNN that Mrs. Romney, as a stay-at-home wife, "has never worked a day in her life."

I do not know whether you are aware, but that statement reveals a tiny portion of liberal doctrine. That person was Hilary Rosen. She's a former lobbyist who works for STS Knickerbocker, which you probably have never heard of. It is a public relations and strategy firm. This firm is of some prominence within the Democrat Party because it was this firm that engineered Obama's winning of his campaign for the Presidency in 2008.

Rosen has been in over 30 meetings held in the White House over the past several years. She is a lesbian feminist. She and her former mate adopted twins, but they could not keep their relationship going, and so they separated. She has worked professionally in behalf of the Lesbian, Homosexual Transgender, and Gay Marriage group. She said more than that one statement that I quoted above, but these statements merely dug the hole deeper that she got herself and the President into. President Obama, upon hearing this, was advised to disavow himself from her statement, and so he went public and disavowed what she said.

The whole of what she said was foolish, to say the least. But it openly revealed the way liberals think. They carry with them an attitude of superiority, that they are smarter, wiser, and more deserving than others. This adds up to believing that they have almost a divine right to rule over others.

I googled conservative and liberal, and in addition to that, I searched the dictionary that I have in my own library. The definitions that I am going to give you are readily available to anyone.

To "conserve" means "to keep safe and sound; to avoid wasteful or destructive use of. "Conservatism" is defined as "a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and tending to prefer gradual development to abrupt change." Liberals think that conservatives are stogie and stuck in the past.

The term "liberal" has a fascinating history. It began anciently, being used as a term describing a person born free—that is, one who was not born into slavery. Gradually it came to be used in the sense that because one is free, they are less restrained in life in the way they do things and say things. Thus, "liberal" came to be used in the sense being generous, open handed, broadminded and not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy and tradition.

The term liberalism as a philosophy is interesting because, believe it or not, it had its beginnings in the Protestant churches. The Reader's Digest Great Encyclopedic Dictionary says of "liberalism," "Liberalism is a Protestant church movement advocating considerable latitude in scriptural interpretation and in doctrine; a movement or tendency verging on secular humanism and rejecting much orthodox theology." That's right in the dictionary!

From Google, we can add this: "As a political philosophy, [liberalism] is based on the belief in progress and the essential goodness of man [dangerous!] and on the autonomy of the individual, and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties." Overall, that sounds pretty good. It's very interesting, though, because God says that man is evil. Not the goodness of man; God says man is evil. Jesus said that directly in Matthew 7, and in addition to that, deceitful.

I want to assure you that liberalism is not all bad nor is conservatism all good. Both have a place in balanced life. Both philosophies require a great deal of wisdom when applying them in social situations, as the political parties attempt to do in governing nations. Either philosophy, if taken to extremes, produces tyrannical, dictatorial, and enslaving forms of government. Either one. Each destroys individual liberties and transfers power to a centralized, elitist form of government.

In the modern political world, Nazi Germany was conservatism taken to an extreme. America and Britain are following the liberalism path. In either case—one or the other, taken to an extreme—the public, the governed, are the losers of their liberties, but in somewhat different ways.

In the Bible, the Pharisees were super conservatives. The Sadducees were the more liberal of the two parties. But you know what? Both of them were enemies of Christ, who represented the perfectly balanced way of God. In their own ways, both the Sadducees and the Pharisees conspired and succeeded in putting Him to death because they perceived Him as an enemy, even though He taught and operated openly to the public and in their presence.

I believe that to most Christians, liberalism is the more dangerous of the two, and this is because conservatism, though it can be taken to extremes, tends to constrain people toward what is generally better conduct. Liberalism, though, tends to invite human nature toward open immorality. It finally reaches a point in which anything goes and anything is tolerated.

Satan's attitude and conduct, as described in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28, reveals a strong pattern of liberal thinking. He wanted to break free from being constrained by God's government over him, and he did. And he then passed that philosophy on to 1/3 of his fellow angels, and then on to Adam and Eve. Did he not imply to Adam and Eve in the garden that God was being unfair, that God was restraining them from full freedom and development? Absolutely. That's exactly what he tricked them with. So now, he is the ruler of this world, and the systems' basic thought of this world generally follow his patterns of thought, which is to be away from the restraint of God's laws.

So, the Christian is constantly confronted with the challenge of resisting Satan's influences from the world to seek the liberty of not being constrained by our love for and the fear of God. Every Christian must learn that he must govern himself.


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