Commentary: Overlooking Evil
Going the way of Ancient Israel
Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Given 04-Nov-17; 10 minutes
description: (hide) Considering the disgusting scandals involving Harvey Weinstein and other philanderers and child molesters exposed in the latest Hollywood debacles, leftists seem to have tons of dirty laundry to expose to a somewhat more scrupulous public. The so-called victims of their advances coveted movie careers more than their own virtue. Hollywood has been waist deep in prurient slime since the 1930s and has waxed increasingly evil since that time, wallowing in sorts of perversion not even named among Gentile nations. America has descended into the cesspool of immorality in its entertainment as well as in its highest political circles, surpassing the vile immorality of the surrounding nations, just as ancient Israel became more corrupt than the nations around her. Because of her immorality, the Prophets of old, speaking on behalf of God, issued harsh condemnations. So too, America's disastrous downfall is just a matter of time.
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