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Tolerance and Love
CGG Weekly by John W. RitenbaughFor several decades, tolerance has been a powerful theme of political correctness. It is a buzzword of those influenced by the New Age movements.
God, Obama, and Religous Tolerance
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)President Obama endorsed the mosque at Ground Zero, pleading tolerance. Yet God is a jealous God, ordering the extermination of all competing religions.
When Tolerance Is Intolerable
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsIn this modern humanist secular progressive society, tolerance has evolved into intolerance for traditional values, including godly righteousness.
More on Tolerance
CGG Weekly by John W. RitenbaughMany are guided by a multicultural value system that posits that all values, regardless of their source, are equal and should be tolerated. But God has one way.
Overlooking Evil
Commentary by Richard T. RitenbaughAmerica has descended into the cesspool of immorality in its entertainment as well as in its highest political circles, surpassing the surrounding nations.
Abstaining From Evil
'Ready Answer' by John O. ReidGod does not just want us not to sin, He also wants us not even to appear to be doing evil. We must guard their thoughts, words and deeds at all times.
The Reality of Evil
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThe best weapon against the evil of our human nature is to develop the mind of Christ within us to displace our carnal nature.
The Iniquity of the Amorites
Sermonette by Richard T. RitenbaughBecause of multiculturalism, political correctness, and mush-headed tolerance, we as a culture have sanctioned sin and corruption.
Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen (Part Five)
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsWe must avoid forgetting the connection between past and present, especially as our forebears had to battle outer and inner enemies of God's truth.
The High Places (Part Six)
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeThough we will probably never be tempted to burn incense to a pagan god on top of a hill, the high places of old still contain warnings for us.
The High Places (Part Five)
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeThe history of Israel shows that successful spiritual revivals typically begin with tearing down the idols, which allows the people to turn back to God.
Deuteronomy (Part 7)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughSanctification is an incremental process in which we systematically destroy the sin within us as our forebears were asked to destroy the inhabitants of Canaan.
Sin and Overcoming (Part 3): The Battle For Eternal Life
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsThe Laodicean temperament falls far short in promoting the processes of overcoming and repentance. Spiritual growth and godly behavior take tremendous work.
Deuteronomy (Part 3) (1994)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. RitenbaughWe will not be prepared to rule in the Millennium unless we are experientially persuaded of God's faithfulness to His Covenant and His intolerance of evil.
Joshua and the Gibeonites (Part Two)
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeThe Gibeonites' subterfuge succeeded because Israel's leaders, including Joshua, failed to check in with God, and in time, that failure cost them dearly.
Letters to Seven Churches (Part Five): Thyatira
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThe Thyatira epistle carries a central theme for all seven churches, namely the tendency to syncretize or mix worldly ideas with the truth of God.
Uprooting Righteousness
CGG WeeklyThe primary lesson of the Parable of the Wheat and Tares is relatively easy to see. However, an interesting detail appears in it that is easily overlooked.
The High Places (Part Four)
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeUzziah was the third successive king of Judah who failed to remove the high places from the land. His downfall lay in not handling worldly greatness.
Testing Spiritual Character
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsAn outward trial can be a catalyst for character development. By testing ourselves, we can take the edge off the pressure of God testing us.
Holy Days: Unleavened Bread
Bible Study by StaffThe Feast of Unleavened Bread immediately follows the Passover. In it we see how hard it is to overcome and rid our lives of sin.
The Not-A-Problem Folk
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)We have no bold Phineases today who are unafraid of political correctness. The die has been cast for morally bankrupt America.