Are You Teachable?
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 1/6/2006
Scripture is full of advice about being humble and taking heed to God's instruction because, frankly, many think they know it all already!
Taking Our Lead From God
Article; Posted 1/6/2006
In light of the examples of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, have we allowed ourselves to be led by men or are we really following God?
Our Spiritual Marathon of Hope
Article; Posted 11/4/2005
Terry Fox pursued his 'Marathon of Hope' to raise money for cancer research, running in effect 143 consecutive marathons. His example teaches us many things.
What Is the Feast of Trumpets, Anyway?
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 8/29/2005
The Feast of Trumpets has very little directly written about it in Scripture. Here are the basic facts about this pivotal and holy day.
Peer-Pressure: A Challenge for All
Article; Posted 7/1/2005
Though the Bible does not use the term 'peer pressure', it teaches us not to conform to our peers but to be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ.
What Is Your Lentil Soup?
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 6/10/2005
The story of Esau and his selling his birthright for a bowl of soup is a cautionary tale for today. What we treasure will ultimately determine our destiny.
Resurrection AD 31
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 3/31/2005
Matthew 27:52 informs us that more than one resurrection occurred during Passover week in AD 31. Here is what we can glean from the Bible about this miracle.
I Am Barabbas
Article; Posted 3/31/2005
To some, Barabbas is nothing more than an interesting detail in Christ's trial. His presence during that event holds significant implications for us.
Benjamin: Son of the Right Hand
Article; Posted 1/1/2005
We know a lot about Joseph, but we tend to know precious little about his younger brother Benjamin. Here is what the Bible shows about him.
Is It a Sin to Drink Alcoholic Beverages?
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 11/1/2004
Some scriptures seem to teach total abstinence from alcohol. However, many other passages show otherwise. Here is how the unbroken word of God fits together.
Countering the Culture
Article; Posted 9/1/2004
There is no doubt that America's culture is plunging to depths many of us never imagined. Here are five steps to mitigate its influence on our lives.
Striving for Balance
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 7/1/2004
What is Christian balance? Some would say that it is not being too far out of the mainstream. In reality, Christian balance means living up to God's standards.
Will You Marry Me? (Part Two)
Article; Posted 7/1/2004
The story of Boaz and Ruth and the cup of betrothal at Passover ask us to consider: Are we committed to this wonderful relationship with our Fiance?
Will You Marry Me? (Part One)
Article; Posted 6/1/2004
The Bible is full of marriage symbolism. We have been invited to participate in the very Marriage Supper of Jesus Christ—not just as a guest, but as the Bride!
Jesus' Final Human Thoughts (Part Two)
Article; Posted 3/1/2004
What was Jesus thinking about during His last hours as a human? The gospel accounts reveal what Jesus knew about His suffering, death, and resurrection.
Jesus' Final Human Thoughts (Part One)
Article; Posted 2/1/2004
What was in Jesus' mind during His final hours as a human being? The Bible shows that Jesus' thoughts were not on Himself or the sins He was bearing.
Rome's Challenge (Part 4)
Article; Posted 12/11/2003
'The day of the Lord' or 'the Lord's day' is not a reference to the fist day of the week (Sunday) but to the time of Jesus Christ's judgment at His return.
Rome's Challenge (Part 3)
Article; Posted 12/10/2003
Jesus never deviated from observing the 7th-day Sabbath, nor ever hinted at moving its holiness or sanctification to the first day of the week.
Rome's Challenge (Part 2)
Article; Posted 12/9/2003
Protestantism recognizes no rule of faith except the Bible, yet the Bible nowhere gives Protestantism the authority to change the day of worship to Sunday.
Rome's Challenge (Part 1)
Article; Posted 12/8/2003
The Catholic Church admits to changing the day of worship from Sabbath to Sunday. Protestants who keep Sunday are bowing to presumed Catholic authority.