Living Stones in God's House
Article; Posted 9/1/2001
Solomon's glorious Temple must have been a sight to behold. God's church, however, is His Temple now—and each of us living stones in it.
Swear Not at All!
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 8/1/2001
Today's society is becoming increasingly insensitive and calloused to the base and profane words. Here is how to eliminate obscenities from our lives.
Are You Sharp-Tongued? (Part Two)
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 6/1/2001
James' exhortation about the use of the tongue seems to stop with James 3:12. However, the rest of the chapter provides more wisdom on controlling our speech.
The Garden of God
Article; Posted 6/1/2001
The Bible uses agriculture to provide many lessons for us. Are we learning them—or are we repeating history as Israel did?
Are You Sharp-Tongued? (Part One)
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 5/1/2001
The tongue may be the most untamed beast on earth! James says we all offend in word. But James 3 is filled with wisdom regarding how we can overcome the beast.
Death of a Lamb
Article; Posted 3/1/2001
Since the church no longer keeps the Passover with the slaughter of a lamb, we miss important and poignant details that could enhance our observance.
Spotlight on Luke
Article; Posted 2/1/2001
Luke, the writer of the gospel of that name and the book of Acts, is more significant to the New Testament than it may first appear.
Small, But Significant
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 2/1/2001
Sometimes small things make big impacts, such as Simon of Cyrene's carrying of Christ's cross. Do we consider our 'smallness' to be a blessing or a curse?
The Berean Example
Article; Posted 11/1/2000
The ancient Bereans have a wonderful biblical reputation. Just how special were these Macedonian Christians?
God Has a Dream
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 11/1/2000
We might think that God's mind is unfathomable. However, we often fail to realize that God's mind is an open book—the Bible!
Are You Worthy to Escape?
'Prophecy Watch' Article; Posted 9/1/2000
Luke 21:36 is a memory scripture, but do we apply it too narrowly? In reality, we can apply it generally anytime we face trials and crises in our lives.
Overcoming (Part 2): Self-Justification
Bible Study (Article); Posted 8/1/2000
A great impediment to overcoming our sins is self-justification. We tend to excuse ourselves for what we do, and this only makes it harder to become like God.
Quality Holy Day Offerings
Article; Posted 8/1/2000
We tend to forget how different holy days offerings were under the Old Covenant. However, the important part of giving offerings remains the same.
Overcoming (Part 1): Self-Deception
Bible Study (Article); Posted 7/1/2000
God desires us to overcome our human nature and grow, but we tend to place major hurdles in the way of accomplishing this. Here are impediments to overcoming.
The Ultimate Father's Day
Article; Posted 7/1/2000
Father's Day is a time we honor our human fathers, but a time is coming when our ultimate Father in heaven will be honored for eternity.
Proper Sabbath-Service Behavior
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 5/1/2000
Our and our children's behavior at Sabbath services must conform to the serious and godly nature of this special worship time with God.
Was Jesus Resurrected on Easter Sunday?
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 4/1/2000
When did Jesus rise from the tomb? The world - because of tradition - says Sunday, but the Bible reveals the only possible timing of His resurrection.
The Five Ws of Deleavening
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 3/1/2000
Just what deleavening does God want His children to do? What has He commanded His people? Here are the Five Ws of Deleavening: why, where, what, who and when.
Divine Protection Today?
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 2/1/2000
Does God protect His people even today? Indeed, God's arm has not been shortened!
Worship God!
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 1/1/2000
What is worship? What should our attitude be in worship? How do we worship God? Our God is seeking people to worship Him in spirit and truth!