Playlist: Disease, Infectious (topic)


Quarantine of A Global Killer!

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

Disease epidemics threaten the world not only through misery and death, but also by enabling governments to increase their power over their citizens.

COVID-19 and Returning to Normal

Commentary by David C. Grabbe

While we naturally desire to 'get back to normal,' what the United States experienced before COVID-19 was hardly normal when viewed from God's perspective.

The Pale Horse (2020)

Commentary by Clyde Finklea

In the coronavirus, we are seeing at least a type of the prophesied Fourth Horseman, riding his pale green horse of pestilence.

De-Population: Viruses

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

Some of the rulers of the age desire to eradicate 90% of the world's population with designer sicknesses in order to make the earth a more 'stable' habitat.

The Right Hand of Fellowship

Commentary by Mark Schindler

Bumbling government leaders and misguided health authorities have proven to be the greatest obstacles to resolving the current coronavirus challenge.

A Tale of Two Frenchmen

Commentary by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)

Comparing Pasteur's Germ Theory with Béchamp's Terrain theory reveals that the latter is more descriptive of the biological landscape as created by God.

Antibiotic Doomsday Scenario

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

Over 50% of the prescribed antibiotic drugs are unnecessary and are actually strengthening the pathogenic bacteria, turning them into killer diseases.

Preparing For the End

Sermon by Ryan McClure

As we head rapidly toward the end times, plagues will increase, meaning we must run our race deliberately and with intense focus, taking solace in Psalm 91.

Confusion of Heart

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

We are inundated by contradictory and confusing information from public officials and health 'experts' on the proper response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In Whom Do You Place Your Confidence?

Sermonette by Martin G. Collins

God does not want us to have confidence in ourselves or other people, but only in Him. Consequently, it is a mistake to trust the media or the leaders of nations.

Human Guinea Pigs

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

There is a grim history of American biological experimentation by the Department of Defense on conscientious objectors during the Cold War.

When Will God Answer?

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

God does not delay because of indifference, but wants to provide maximum opportunity for repenting, overcoming, and building character.