Commentary: Human Guinea Pigs

Government Experimentation

Given 09-Nov-13; 13 minutes


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There is a grim history of American biological experimentation on conscientious objectors during the Cold War. The Department of Defense exposed many hapless victims (human guinea pigs) to pathogenic bacteria, radioactive oatmeal, LSD, tainted blood, experimental vaccines, and GMO food. This evil lethal experimentation will come to an end in God's Kingdom—as all pain will cease and all tears will be wiped away.


Biological experimentation on guinea pigs has been carried out since the 17th century. The animals were frequently used as a model organism in the 19th and 20th centuries, resulting in the epithet "guinea pig" for a test subject, but have since been largely replaced by other rodents such as mice and rats. They are still used in research, primarily as models for human medical conditions such as juvenile diabetes, tuberculosis, scurvy, and pregnancy complications. But I am not here to talk about animal guinea pigs.

More than fifty years ago, American scientists were in a frantic race to counter what they saw as the Soviet threat from germ warfare. Biological pathogens they developed were tested on volunteers from a pacifist church and were also released in public places.

Are humans still being used as guinea pigs today? How much are government and business risking our lives and health with dangerous technologies like biological and chemical weapons, genetically modified foods, inadequately tested vaccines, and other, even worse, "experiments"?

BBC News reported about the hidden history of US germ testing. The remarkable story is told in a BBC Radio 4 documentary called "Hotel Anthrax." In the 1950s, the Seventh-day Adventist Church struck an extraordinary deal with the US Army. It would provide test subjects for experiments on biological weapons at the Fort Detrick research center near Washington, DC. The volunteers were conscientious objectors who agreed to be infected with debilitating pathogens. In return, they were exempted from frontline warfare.

The documentary, "Hotel Anthrax," uses declassified documents, evidence from Senate investigations, and personal testimony to trace the American bio-weapon program during this period. The research involved anthrax, other lethal bacteria, and biological poisons. The scientists also conducted tests on an unsuspecting American public.

America's Institute of Medicine conducted a study of more than 6,000 veterans who say their health has been compromised by secret tests in the Cold War years. Some of these were veteran sailors who were involved in tests known as SHAD (Shipborne Hazard and Defense), which involved spraying lethal chemicals, such as sarin and nerve gases, in the open sea.

The BBC program makers also obtained declassified documents prepared by the US Department of Veterans Affairs which refer to a study of nearly 100 SHAD veterans who have since died. It found the veterans were three times more likely to have developed one of a group of killer diseases as a sample group in the general population.

But it was not just the white-coat volunteers and sailors who were subject to experiments. The scientists also conducted tests on an unsuspecting American public. Scientists used what they thought was a harmless simulant in major bio-weapon tests across US cities and on public transport. It was a bacterium which they believed was harmless but which would mimic the dispersal of deadly biological agents such as anthrax. But later research showed that the strain of Bacillus globigii, or BG, did pose a risk to people who were ill or whose immune system was failing.

In 1966, U.S. army scientists dropped light bulbs filled with powdered BG bacteria simulant onto ventilation grates in the New York City subway system. The BG spread fast because every train that went past every few minutes enabled a natural aerosol to develop. They would then measure how the simulant might spread in the event of a real attack using a motorized vacuum device concealed inside a suitcase.

In a damning report, a U.S. Senate committee concluded that the Department of Defense (DoD) repeatedly failed to comply with required ethical standards when using human subjects in military research, and that the DoD demonstrated a pattern of misrepresenting the danger of various exposures and continued to do so.

There are well documented instances of governments using humans as guinea pigs in order to forward a military agenda. Here is a brief list depicting the rampant use of humans as guinea pigs in government, military and medical experiments over the last 60 years. I am just going to give you a short sampling as there are so many it is impossible to give all of them to you. This is just a sampling:

1946 to 1953 - In an experiment sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and the Quaker Oats Corporation at the Walter E. Fernald State School in Massachusetts, 73 mentally disabled children are fed oatmeal containing radioactive calcium and other radioisotopes in order to track "how nutrients were digested." The children are not told that they are being fed radioactive chemicals and are instead told by hospital staff and researchers that they are joining a "science club."

1950 - In an experiment to determine how susceptible an American city would be to biological attack, the U.S. Navy sprays a cloud of bacteria from ships over San Francisco. Monitoring devices are situated throughout the city in order to test the extent of infection. Many residents become ill with pneumonia-like symptoms. At least one man dies.

1950s to 1960s - The CIA and British military study LSD as a potential weapon for use by intelligence services. Human subjects (both civilian and military) are used with and without their knowledge. At least one subject dies as a result and many minds were irreparably damaged.

1977 - Senate hearings on Health and Scientific Research confirm that 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969. Some of the areas included San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City, Minneapolis, and St. Louis.

1980 - The U.S. Department of Defense completes 35 years of detonating nuclear weapons at various sites around the world, sometimes monitoring downwind residents for medical problems and mortality rates. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/National Cancer Institute study claims that nuclear fallout from these radiation tests may have caused approximately 11,000 deaths.

1987 - The U.S. Department of Defense admits that, despite a treaty banning research and development of biological agents, it continues to conduct such research at 127 facilities and universities around the nation.

1994 - U.S. Senator John D. Rockefeller issues a report revealing that for at least 50 years the Department of Defense has used hundreds of thousands of military personnel [guinea pigs] in human experiments and for intentional exposure to dangerous substances. Materials included mustard and nerve gas, ionizing radiation, psychochemicals, hallucinogens, and drugs used during the Gulf War.

2003-2006 - Experimental artificial blood is transfused into research subjects across the United States without their consent. Patient consent is not necessary under this FDA category. Studies show that the artificial blood causes a significant increase in heart attacks and deaths.

2009 - The American Academy of Environmental Medicine calls for a moratorium on genetically modified foods. Their report states, "GM foods pose a serious health risk in the areas of toxicology, allergy and immune function, reproductive health, and metabolic, physiologic and genetic health." Yet the US threatens a trade war against any country which opposes these Franken-foods.

I have barely scraped the surface of the flagrant and cruel human guinea pig experiments that have been and still are being carried out today. The examples I have given you came from 3-4 dozen sources, including ABC News, CBS News, CDC, and many other credible sources. They are not conspiracy theories; these are fact and have been proven to be so.

Large-scale experimentation with risky technologies such as genetically modified foods, vaccinations, Big Pharma drugs, biological and chemical weapons, and nanotechnology used in consumer goods are still rarely questioned in the media or by government agencies that are supposedly responsible for protecting the public's health.

Well, this won’t be the case forever! God has a plan to save us from such abuse, cruelty and suffering at the hand of wicked, cruel, human beings. In Psalm 37:3-7, we are promised,

Psalm 37:3-7 Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him; do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass.

Do what the psalmist says, and God will bring upon you His blessings. Be concerned, but do not worry when evil people use other human beings as guinea pigs. They will be judged righteously! God assures those who have faith in His promises and joy in submitting to Him what the apostle John records in Revelation 21:4:

Revelation 21:4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away."

This “crying” in verse 4 is a cry of sorrow, a sobbing, and it includes all the outbursts of anguish arising from affliction, from oppression, from abuse, and from violence. But none of these causes of crying will be known in God’s Kingdom; it will all cease. This will make the Kingdom of God vastly different from the present condition of the world. Also, there will be “no more pain,” no more mental sorrow arising from the evil conduct of others. This change, too, will make our future life vastly different.

Many are now subjected to severe anguish by the misconduct of those who claim to have their best interest at heart, but who scheme evil continuously. How different would this life be, if all pain were to cease forever? How different, therefore, must the coming Kingdom of God be, from this present evil world? By wiping away every tear and eliminating death, mourning, and pain, God will reverse the curse that entered the world through human sin.

So, what have we left to say? Isaiah said it best in Isaiah 25:8-9:

Isaiah 25:8-9 He will swallow up death forever, and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces; the rebuke of His people He will take away from all the earth; for the Lord has spoken. And it will be said in that day: "Behold, this is our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save us. This is the Lord; we have waited for Him; we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation."

What a wonderful thing we have to look forward to, but in the meantime, we have to not necessarily experience but at least witness such horrible atrocities on human beings.


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