Playlist: Disease (topic)


The Microbe is Nothing, the Terrain is Everything

Commentary by Bill Onisick

We should be more concerned about a compromised immune system than about germs. Instead of fearing the virus, we should fear breaking God's health laws.

Antibiotic Doomsday Scenario

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

Over 50% of the prescribed antibiotic drugs are unnecessary and are actually strengthening the pathogenic bacteria, turning them into killer diseases.

Women and Fetuses at Risk!

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

BT corn has been engineered to form its own pesticide, a chemical which is harmful to human beings. Pregnant women are especially at risk.

'Never Events'

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

Medication error constitutes the deadliest form of 'never events.' The medical community seems more interested in managing disease than in finding its cause.

Are Things Upside Down? (Part Two)

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

If we do not protect our bodies from defilement from processed foods, we will destroy ourselves. We need to ask God's blessing and cleansing over our food.

A Tale of Two Frenchmen

Commentary by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)

Comparing Pasteur's Germ Theory with Béchamp's Terrain theory reveals that the latter is more descriptive of the biological landscape as created by God.

Fluoride, the Chemical Weapon

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

Fluoride is the main ingredient in nerve gas, rat poison, and intensifies the danger of tooth decay, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes and other maladies.

Our Reasonable Service

Sermonette by Bill Onisick

One really cannot have proper spiritual health without maintaining a physical regime of diet, exercise, and rest. We have a responsibility to educate ourselves.

Stewardship of God's Temple (Part Three)

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by David F. Maas

Humanity has been disobeying the laws of sleep and rest, leading to a cumulative sleep-debt which has shortened and deteriorated the quality of their lives.

Romans 14, Judging, Food, and Sin

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

We need to be careful about what we consume, but we cannot be judgmental if a brother cannot afford organically grown food and must depend on inferior food.

Quarantine Principles

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

During the Bubonic Plague that destroyed 1/3 of Europe's population, the only segment that remained unscathed were the Jews, who kept God's quarantine laws.

Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

The insidious and unrelenting vaccine propaganda emanating from the pharmaceutical industry reveals that it cares more about profits than public health.

Stewardship of God's Temple (Part Two)

Sermon by David F. Maas

Even though individuals do not necessarily practice spiritual fasting for physical reasons, the physical benefits supply types that teach us spiritual things.

Maintaining Good Health (Part 3)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The Bible contains 700 references to the act of eating. Eating reminds us that God's provision and human need also apply on a spiritual level.

The Tyranny of the Majority: Satan's Tool to Destroy Nations

Commentary by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)

Terrain Theory advocates undermine their cause by syncretizing with Eastern religions or denying the existence of germs altogether, something Béchamp never did.

Stewardship of God's Temple (Part One): Controlling Our Appetites

Sermon by David F. Maas

After God's calling, the human body becomes the temple of God's Spirit, a reality which obliges us to care for our bodies because they belong to God.

The Dangers of Fracking to Water Supplies

Commentary by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)

The concrete lining in fracking wells breaks up under high pressure, introducing of oil, gas and/or carcinogenic chemicals into the groundwater supplies.

Maintaining Good Health (Part 14)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Proper diet demands responsible choices, and if we do not yield to God's laws governing nutrition, choosing the best foods, we will eventually pay the price.

Vaccine Policy

Commentary by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

God's church, though responsible to preach scriptural principles on God's health laws, including vaccines, does not dictate how God's people choose.

Are Things That Bad?

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

There are no hollow threats with God Almighty. God will destroy disobedient people with the diseases of Egypt, cutting down our life-expectancy.

Maintaining Good Health (Part 2)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The cleanliness laws in Leviticus, prescribing cleansing and quarantine, apply to the spiritual dimension as well. God will not tolerate uncleanness.

Stewardship of God's Temple (Part Four)

Sermon by David F. Maas

One of the most marvelous gifts God has given humanity is water—having both physical and spiritual dimensions, serving as the symbol of God's Spirit.

Anointing With Oil

Sermon by Ted E. Bowling

Being anointed is no guarantee of healing unless it is part of God's will. Sometimes a thorn in the flesh may produce some undeveloped character.

Faith and Healing (Part Three)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The Bible is replete with individuals applying physical remedies (balms, poultices, as well as a competent physician's counsel) in tandem with trusting God.

Faith in the Healer

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

We must establish an iron clad trust in God for spiritual matters, including healing, rather than having a misguided trust in self or other human beings.

Blessings We Could Have Had

Sermon by Kim Myers

Despite Abraham's loyalty to God's covenant, Abraham's offspring have violated this covenant, thanklessly squandering the blessings and reaping curses.

Maintaining Good Health (Part 10)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Even though we are already damaged goods when God calls us, by embracing God's truth and seeking His help, we can break the bad habits which enslave us.

Are Things Upside Down? (Part One)

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

The USDA has paid costly subsidies to farmers and has mandated that they grow hybridized, gene-spliced corn and wheat, which produce a high gluten content.

Stewardship of God's Temple (Part Six): Sunshine, Fresh Air, Cleanliness

Sermon by David F. Maas

There are striking and insightful parallels between the physical benefits of sunshine, fresh air, and cleanliness and the yet unseen spiritual dimensions.

The Present Harvest (Part Two)

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)

Christ empowers His disciples to preach and heal. He is saying there will be an incomplete work of healing and preaching in the run-up to His return.

Acquainted with Grief

Sermonette by David C. Grabbe

Christ's bearing of our sicknesses and infirmities may have taken place throughout His life. He may have been acquainted with ill health for our benefit.

Whom the Lord Loves He Chastens (Part One)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

If we are not receiving God's correction or chastisement, we should be concerned! God's chastening is what He uses to sanctify His spiritual children.

Maintaining Good Health (Part 12)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The church of God today resembles a patient languishing from a deadly disease, resulting from a diet of spiritual junk food and neglecting the bread of life.

Human Guinea Pigs

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

There is a grim history of American biological experimentation by the Department of Defense on conscientious objectors during the Cold War.

Who Is the God of Medicine?

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

Very few pharmaceutical products are based on scientific merit; marketing and profit drive the development, production and distribution of these substances.

John (Part Nine)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Jesus teaches the difference between works that cause burdens (work that profanes the Sabbath) and works that relieve burdens. The Father and Son never stop working.

Faith Over Fear

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

When it looks like things are out of control, God is busily at work behind the scenes. If we replace anxiety with faith, God will grant us divine peace.

Those Best Prepared to Suffer with Him

Sermon by Mark Schindler

We must learn to seek God's will and purpose for us, avoiding the temptation of Hezekiah who feared death more than trusting God to decide his expiration date.

Back to Life (Part Four)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

God's love does not shield us from sickness, pain, sorrow, or death. There are several scriptural contexts in which Jesus shed tears and expressed grief.

Promised: Protection and Healing

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

God gives several conditions for receiving protection and healing, including God's sovereignty, God's purpose, and one's level of growth.

Maintaining Good Health (Part 4)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

While drunkenness and gluttony show self-centeredness and lack of discipline, often leading to poverty and ill health, moderation is the way to glorify God.

Why Does God Allow Us to Be Afflicted?

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

In God's hands, trials and afflictions are tools to produce refined character and joy, and to move us away from worldly choices and back to His purpose.

Letters to Seven Churches (Part Five): Thyatira

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The Thyatira epistle carries a central theme for all seven churches, namely the tendency to syncretize or mix worldly ideas with the truth of God.

God's Wrath and Hell

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Oblivion, not eternal torment in hell fire, is the merciful end for the wicked. God is both good and severe, but His mercy endures forever.

God Heals Today

Sermonette by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The doctrine of healing has always had a paramount position, declaring that through the stripes of Christ, we are forgiven and our bodies our healed.

Are We Happy?

Sermonette by Ronny H. Graham

The inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness can only be realized when we live in gratitude for Our Creator's purpose for us.

Urgency to Get Closer to God

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Kim Myers

The time when the offspring of Jacob are going to pay the piper is rapidly closing in. We must cultivate a sense of urgency in our relationship with God.

Are Your Feelings Fighting Your Faith?

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Today's Christianity is more theatrics than theological; feelings have become the replacement for faith, eroding spiritual growth and character.

The Millennium and Union With Christ

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The millennial situation will resemble the behavior of our forebears; it will be our responsibility to lead them to hope, joy, character, and faith in God.

Imagining the Garden of Eden (Part Ten)

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The statement, 'it is not good for man to be alone,' is the first declaration that something was not good. Being alone denotes separateness.

Whatever Became of Sin?

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by David F. Maas

Jesus Christ did not preach collective salvation and did not remove the responsibility from any of us for overcoming or qualifying for His kingdom.

Famine (Part Three): The Abundance of God's Salvation

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

After Christ's return, famine will be the penalty for not keeping His Feast of Tabernacles. God will establish conditions in which famine will never occur again.

Christians in the Spotlight

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

We must let our lights shine by our moderation, self-control, attitude, and behavior, realizing that we are reflecting the characteristics of God Almighty.

Liberty or Independence?

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

The approach of 'I want it my way' begins with license but then leads to chaos, and eventually the loss of liberty.