Playlist: Discouragement (topic)
Discouragement and Trumpets
Sermonette by John W. RitenbaughWhile there may be reasons to become depressed, there is no reason to stay depressed, realizing that God is with us the whole way.
Sermonette by James BeaubelleDiscouragement paralyzes one's efforts to overcome temptation or to lose patience in a trial, ultimately leading to deterioration or the destruction of faith.
Overcoming Discouragement and Depression
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsEven loyal servants of God have had to contend with depression and discouragement. Antidotes include rest, refocus, right expectations, and obedient actions.
Life Is Worth Living
Sermonette by John W. RitenbaughSuicide is a leading cause of death, surpassing automobile collisions, and this insidious plague shows no signs of abating in the immediate future.
Motivation to Endure
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John O. ReidWithout daily contact with God in prayer and Bible study, and without continual contact with the brethren, we may lose the determination to persevere.
Why is Life So Hard?
Sermonette by David C. GrabbeThe rigors God puts us through are not to crush us, but to shape us, transforming us into His image. True gain is walking through the anguish in victory.
Perseverance and Hope
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughIn the turbulent and uncertain times ahead, we will need extraordinary fortitude and courage. Trials can improving perseverance or active endurance.
How Can We Develop True Patience?
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsPatience in the face of trying events is a clear indication that we are developing genuine godliness. We can learn to turn trials into positive growth opportunities.
Our Hope
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Our hope is based on having a living Savior. At times we are discouraged and overwhelmed, but God has not left us—though unseen, He is in the trials with us.
Elements of Motivation (Part Three)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughIn the familiar triumvirate (faith, hope, and love), faith serves as the foundation, love serves as the goal, and hope serves as the great motivator.
Sermon by John O. ReidPersistence is impossible without a transcendent and ardent vision, which prevents us from casting off restraint and gives us the will to keep on.
A Cure for News Depression
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)The overwhelmingly depressing news must be counterbalanced by edifying news, namely God's Word. The Scripture, with its life-giving words, provides hope.
Joy No One Will Take From You!
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Martin G. CollinsMaterialism has never led to anything but increased sorrow. True lasting joy is based neither on material accumulation nor in physical accomplishments.
The Clear Light Of A God-Given Life
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Mark SchindlerGod the Father has given us life, He and His Son living their lives in us. God expects us to live now, in the moment, not waiting for a better day.
Ecclesiastes Resumed (Part Twenty)
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Our supreme objective in godly living is attainment and cultivation of wisdom, which consists of attributes giving us skill in living.
We Can Make It!
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)A disciple cannot escape the kind of persecution directed against his teacher. In the wake of this kind of abuse, people can succumb to depression.
Trumpets Is a Day of Hope
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughWe are on the threshold of the greatest period of testing ever to come upon mankind. We need a sense of hope and faith to stay focused on our calling.
Don't Be a Prudent Agnostic
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughSome of us, facing the stress of the times, may simply be going through the motions but losing every vestige of faith. We must strengthen our convictions.
God's Perseverance With His Saints (Part One)
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsGod, as our true Shepherd, provides total protection of His called out-ones forever. Being kept in God's name refers to assimilating the attributes of God.
Christian Optimism
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughPaul wrote some of his most optimistic letters from prison, under the possibility of execution, but absolutely convinced that ultimate victory was imminent.
Ecclesiastes Resumed (Part Eight): Time
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)We must realize that God is sovereign over time all the time, even as it is running out for all of us. God works to make the most of every situation in our lives.
Psalm 23 (Part Three)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughThe valley-of-shadow imagery symbolizes the fears, trials, and tests needed to produce character, quality fruit, and an intimate trust in the shepherd.
Are You Weary of Doing What's Right?
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsSowing to the Spirit enables us to walk in the Spirit, keeping ourselves from spiritual weariness while keeping an environment of peace and tranquility.
Christ Our Standard
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughKnowledge of God's truth is useless unless it is acted on. God will only accept children who follow Christ's example and conduct their lives by His high standards.
Love and Fellowship
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughFellowship with God is the only antidote to overwhelming feelings of despair, doubt, and self-condemnation.
We Can Make It!
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)This is the time to make the most of what we have experienced, establishing our spiritual priorities, and reflecting deeply on why we gave ourselves to God.
Antidotes to Fear and Depression
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThe key to overcoming the fear of loss of control is to admit that God is in control. If we have our priorities straight, God will take care of our anxieties.
Matthew (Part Four)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughMatthew's encapsulation of the Beatitudes, the essence of Jesus Christ's teaching, contains the foundation of His teaching through the entirety of His ministry.
Everlasting Consolation and Good Hope
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsGod's saints are not immune to depression. Job, Moses, and Elijah all felt so overwhelmed, they wanted God to take their lives.
Hope to the End
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughPeter, while warning about impending suffering, nevertheless distinguishes himself as the apostle of hope, keeping our minds on what is to be rather than what now is.
Resistance Is Not Futile
Sermonette by Austin Del CastilloSatan salivates over our discouragement, proclaiming that any resistance is futile. But we must actively resist Satan's lies and propaganda.
Ecclesiastes Resumed (Part Ten)
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Many of God's servants, including Elijah and Jeremiah, had their crises of faith, desiring to flee from their responsibilities and commitments.
The Spirit of Bondage
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsGod did not give us a spirit of fear or bondage. Faith is the antidote to a spirit of slavish cowardice and timidity, the opposite of boldness from the Holy Spirit.
Resuming Ecclesiastes (Part Three)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe only kind of pleasure that fulfills comes from applying God's Holy Spirit in serving others. We must seek those permanent things which are from above.
Whom the Lord Loves He Chastens (Part Two)
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsIf we endure chastisement and discipline from God, we prove we are His children. Sanctification is an incremental process, requiring trials and chastening.
Numbers: The Book of Judgment
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughWe live daily in uncharted territory, but the sobering account in Numbers provides a roadmap, establishing God's pattern of judging our pilgrimage conduct.
Hebrews (Part Fourteen)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughLike Jesus and other heroes of faith, we need to look beyond the present to the long term effects of the trials and tests we go though, seeing their value.
Lonely, But Not Forsaken
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsEven Jesus had to cope with feelings of anxiety and loneliness in Gethsemane before His crucifixion, a time when He experienced separation from His Father.
Rejoice in What We Are (2011)
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Because we have been given revelation, we should have peace and a sense of well-being about life that would make the high-achievers of this world envious.
Overcoming Destructive Fear
Sermon by Clyde FinkleaJesus cautioned His disciples not to have any destructive fear. The worst fear of all is that which would cause us to deny Christ—namely, the fear of man.
Faith and the Christian Fight (Part Nine)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe heroes of faith may have had a longer period of testing than those called now, but the trials will come at greater intensity here at the end.
Power Belongs to God (Part 2)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. RitenbaughWe may be going through a period of hopelessness, but must believe that all things work together for those who believe and are called for His purpose.
The Joy of the Lord Is Our Strength!
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Martin G. CollinsThe true source of joy does not consist on any worldly commodity, or any self-centered, hedonistic pursuit, but instead a spiritual gift, bestowed by God.
Hebrews (Part Seven)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughWith godly hope, we need to envision the successful accomplishment of God's purpose for us, realizing that God has bound that promise with an oath.
The Present Harvest (Part One)
Sermon by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)The Jews of Christ's day were weary and discouraged because of the burdensome yoke their leaders placed on them through the tradition of the elders.
The 'Rest' of Hebrews 4
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. RitenbaughIf we patiently endure, trusting in God's faithfulness to bring us to completion, there will be a time when we will attain the rest we desperately yearn for.
Facing Cultural Headwinds
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughGod's saints encounter great difficulties keeping their balance and moving toward the Kingdom while being buffeted by the anti-God, progressive culture.
The Unshakable Kingdom!
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsBecause all things will be violently shaken, God commands His people to place their trust in the unshakeable Kingdom of God which will displace all empires.
Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen (Part Six)
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsLike the four groups of seeds exposed to various qualities of soil, many have heard the true gospel, but few have remained faithful after the onslaught of hardship.
New Covenant Priesthood (Part Three)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughWithout thanksgiving and praise, our prayers degenerate into the 'gimmes' with the emphasis on the self. We must give God thoughtful thanks in every circumstance.
Will You Be Accounted Worthy for the Kingdom?
Sermon by John O. ReidLike businessmen reviewing plans, making forecasts, and anticipating accountability, God expects us to define and follow through on spiritual objectives.
Maintaining Good Health (Part 7)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughJeremiah compares studying and meditating upon God's Word to physical eating, enabling a person to receive spiritual energy, vitality, and health.
God is the Strength of My Heart
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsOnly by combining the head, heart, and will can we attain full growth and maturity, godly character, and a mirror image of Jesus Christ.
Responding to God's Pruning Is Not Passive (Part One)
Sermon by David F. MaasOur Heavenly Father, the Vine Dresser, has provided His junior partners some valuable tools to assist in pruning and cultivating His emerging spiritual crop.
Attitude Is Everything
Commentary by Bill OnisickWe must wrest control of the narrative away from Satan, the Destroyer, expert in promulgating misinformation, focusing instead on the end of the story.
Keep Your Heart With All Diligence!
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsChrist does not remove His people's trials, but He provides help for those going through them, using the cleansing power of the trial to heal their minds.
Of Living Dogs and Dead Lions
Sermonette by Austin Del CastilloGuilt from failure to overcome is a dangerous distraction. When we consider God's profound pity, we realize that He is able to cleanse us, too.
Compassion and Couch Potatoes
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)Christians who 'sit out' opportunities to serve, becoming in effect couch potatoes, commit sins of omission which may lead to the Lake of Fire.
Our Divine Fellowship
Sermonette by Austin Del CastilloUnless our primary relationship is with God, positive relationships with our brethren will be impossible and we will feel alone in our spiritual battles.
Ecclesiastes Resumed (Part Twenty-Nine)
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)We are not privy to God's, but we must realize that He has the prerogative to impose both blessings and calamity, the latter in response to disobedience.
Could You Be Struck Dead?
Sermon by Martin G. Collinsthe deaths of Ananias, Saphira, Nadab, Abihu, and Uzzah all occurred at a pivotal time of change, a time God desired to get the attention of all people.
Fathers Provoking Children
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughMost families in God's church have a functional father, but even so, extremes of leniency and overbearing strictness do not make an ideal father.
A Time For Thanksgiving (2009)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Paul heard continuous bad news, but he learned to control himself, controlling his anxiety by thinking positively and wholesomely.
Whatever We Ask
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsPrayer comes under attack if we live double-lives, giving us a guilty conscience, not practicing what we have been taught, allowing our hearts to condemn us.
Judgment According to Works
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughBecause God sees the content of our hearts, nothing escapes His attention. He mercifully judges over a lifetime of behaviors, not just isolated incidents.
Sermon by John O. ReidWe must don the whole armor of God, using His spiritual weapons to bring every thought into obedience to Christ, destroying the enemy's footholds.
He Will Never Forsake Us!
Sermonette by Richard T. RitenbaughIn Hebrews 13:5, there are five extremely emphatic negatives, indicating that God will never, never, never, never, never leave us.
Conviction and Moses
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughOur conviction reveals itself in living by faith. Moses is a stunning example of how a convicted Christian should live — with loyalty and faithfulness to God.
Hebrews (Part Five)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughThe ancient Israelites resisted the gospel, refusing to mix it with actual obedience. What they heard never became a part of their lives; Egypt never left them.
Hebrews (Part Two)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughHebrews is addressed to a people living at the end of an era, who were drifting away, had lost their devotion, and were no longer motivated by zeal.
John (Part Twenty-One)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughThe humble attitude exemplified by Jesus in footwashing shows the mind of God. God expects us to follow Christ's example of loving others, flaws and all.
Offerings (Part Four)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughThe peace offering symbolizes the abundant life that results from complete devotion to God (the burnt offering) and service to others (the meal offering).