Playlist: Hopelessness (topic)
Facing Times of Stress: Hopeless Regrets
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsIt sometimes appears that people outside the church have fewer problems and anxieties, having been spared Satan's onslaught of temptation and deception.
Life Is Worth Living
Sermonette by John W. RitenbaughSuicide is a leading cause of death, surpassing automobile collisions, and this insidious plague shows no signs of abating in the immediate future.
Hope Is the Strategy
Sermonette by Bill OnisickHope is the ability to expect positive outcomes despite current circumstances. Faith, hope, and love are the three elements of the fuel for our spiritual journey.
Jesus Christ Is Our Hope
Sermonette by Ted E. BowlingRahab considered the red cord a symbol of her faith and hope that she and her family would be rescued from destruction. Her faith was not wasted but rewarded.
The Good Ol' Days
Sermonette by Joseph B. BaityMany try to run away from the pessimistic view of the future by retreating into the past, a nostalgic participation in the 'good old days.'
A Cure for News Depression
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)The overwhelmingly depressing news must be counterbalanced by edifying news, namely God's Word. The Scripture, with its life-giving words, provides hope.
Saved By Our Attributes of Hope
Sermonette by Bill OnisickIn 2018, what is known as 'the ultimate storm,' whose 155 MPH winds generated waves 80 feet high, failed to scuttle a small boat out of New Zealand, Tonga.
Its All the Rage
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)The mercurial fads in fashion and music have a lot to do with what the Germans refer to as Zeitgeist - or the spirit of the times or spirit of the age.
Hope and Faith
Sermon by Clyde FinkleaGod requires His people to put their faith in action, giving evidence of their hope, demonstrating godly behavior rather than abrasive carnal behavior.
Fear and Fire
Commentary by Richard T. RitenbaughMainstream media has perfected the technique of keeping people in perpetual fear, with the objective of scaring gullible viewers into conforming to their will.
The Path to Magnificence
Sermon by Mark SchindlerWe have not been uninformed about the enemy's tactics, nor about our capacity to endure. God will never forsake us, and we should never forsake one another.
The Alarmists' Hoax
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsPost-truth refers to any situation where people are more likely to accept an argument based on their emotions and beliefs, rather than one based on facts.
Are You Sure You Believe in God? (Part Three)
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsReal saving faith is a gift from God, but we are obligated to walk by this faith, developing incremental levels of faith through obedience.
Passover and Hope
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThe Passover is a beacon of hope in an otherwise hopeless milieu. Jesus provided hope at His last Passover, exuding confidence despite what lay ahead.
The Third Day (Part One)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughBiblically, the third day carries much historic and prophetic significance.
The Genuineness of Your Faith
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsIn the Bible, character is not affirmed until action takes place-namely obedience to God's commands in which faith or trust in God is the dominant ingredient.
Facing Times of Stress: When God is Silent (Part Four)
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsPaul demonstrated inner peace during turmoil, showing consistency in times of instability and faith in God during persecution, fulfilling the role God gave him.
God's Perseverance With His Saints (Part One)
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsGod, as our true Shepherd, provides total protection of His called out-ones forever. Being kept in God's name refers to assimilating the attributes of God.
Hope to the End (Part One)
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)The church must forcefully deal with the overwhelming feeling of hopelessness or it too will succumb to the terrifying vortex of despair.
The Spirit of Bondage
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsGod did not give us a spirit of fear or bondage. Faith is the antidote to a spirit of slavish cowardice and timidity, the opposite of boldness from the Holy Spirit.
Love and Fellowship
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughFellowship with God is the only antidote to overwhelming feelings of despair, doubt, and self-condemnation.
We Are Saved in This Hope
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsThe Scriptures assure us that by combining God's redemptive acts from the past, we are to have an ardent hope in the future, anticipating eternal life.
Hope to the End
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughPeter, while warning about impending suffering, nevertheless distinguishes himself as the apostle of hope, keeping our minds on what is to be rather than what now is.
Overcoming Discouragement and Depression
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsEven loyal servants of God have had to contend with depression and discouragement. Antidotes include rest, refocus, right expectations, and obedient actions.
Everlasting Consolation and Good Hope
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsGod's saints are not immune to depression. Job, Moses, and Elijah all felt so overwhelmed, they wanted God to take their lives.
The Joy of the Lord Is Our Strength!
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Martin G. CollinsThe true source of joy does not consist on any worldly commodity, or any self-centered, hedonistic pursuit, but instead a spiritual gift, bestowed by God.
A Time to Tear
Sermon by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)The practice of rending clothes symbolizes sorrow, agony, despair, and hopelessness, a realization that God alone can restore the profound loss.
We Can Make It!
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)A disciple cannot escape the kind of persecution directed against his teacher. In the wake of this kind of abuse, people can succumb to depression.
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThe discipline of waiting is on the same level as the other spiritual disciplines, requiring substantial admixtures of faith and hope, building endurance.
Fellowship With God
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsOnly those who have fellowship with God can have any hope, understanding, peace, or rest. The world remains under the sway of Satan, unable to live righteously.
Keeping Our Focus Through Stormy Seas
Sermonette by Ted E. BowlingDistractions of any type may cause us to shift our attention from our Creator, as Jesus' disciples did on that stormy night in the Sea of Galilee.
Faith Over Fear
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughWhen it looks like things are out of control, God is busily at work behind the scenes. If we replace anxiety with faith, God will grant us divine peace.
Hope to the End (Part Three)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Faith, hope and love are spiritual gifts which safeguard us from discouragement and depression, giving us a mature perspective that will last eternally.
Hope to the End (Part Two)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)We need these horrific times and conditions to learn the consequences of foolish decisions in order to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again.
Maintaining Good Health (Part 14)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughProper diet demands responsible choices, and if we do not yield to God's laws governing nutrition, choosing the best foods, we will eventually pay the price.
Avoiding Spiritual Burnout
Sermon by John O. ReidThe inability to solve mounting cultural and social problems despite advances in technology puts a strain on anyone who cares about the consequences.
For Love of Family
Sermonette by Austin Del CastilloGod's saints, as both kings and priests, will both teach God's law as well as maintain civic governmental functions, needing to exercise patience.
The Elijah Syndrome
Sermonette by David C. GrabbeElijah fell into a dilemma of either fearing God or fearing man, and ended up fearing Jezebel rather than God, thinking he was alone in his zeal for God.
What You Feel vs. What You Believe
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsFeelings and emotions may throw our faith off course. Our moods are mercurial and we must control them with daily prayer and Bible study.
Dating (Part 2): The Proper Order of Things
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsMany singles have found dating in the church difficult, consequently turning to the world for companionship, courting dangerous consequences.
Why Are We Here and What Is Our Focus?
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Mark SchindlerGod has a plan to bring all to Christ, but each in his own order. We cannot have a proper understanding of the plan if we do not keep Christ as the focus.
Maintaining Good Health (Part 7)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughJeremiah compares studying and meditating upon God's Word to physical eating, enabling a person to receive spiritual energy, vitality, and health.
Leadership and the Covenants (Part Nine)
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Neither Satan nor his demons cause us to sin; we chose to sin, and we die as a result. We were created upright, but bring judgment on ourselves.
Ecclesiastes and the Feast of Tabernacles (Part 2)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughGod emphasizes Ecclesiastes during the Feast of Tabernacles to show the result of doing whatever our human heart leads us to do. The physical cannot satisfy.
Lamentations (Part Six)
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughIn Lamentations 3, the narrator finally convinces Lady Jerusalem that her own sins have caused her necessary punishment and affliction by God.
Facing Times of Stress: Lack of Clarity
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsMany people called by God realize the world is wrong, but also cannot see the way of God clearly, having an inability of seeing or comprehending the truth.
The Sixth Commandment
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughJesus magnifies the Law in Matthew 5, moving beyond the behavior into the motivating thought behind the deed, warning that we do not retaliate in kind.
Sin And Overcoming (Part 1): If Anyone Sins!
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsWe are obligated to uphold a higher standard of morality, responsible for the letter and spirit of the law, as well as the prompts of our consciences.
Will You Be Accounted Worthy for the Kingdom?
Sermon by John O. ReidLike businessmen reviewing plans, making forecasts, and anticipating accountability, God expects us to define and follow through on spiritual objectives.
Psalms: Book Five (Part One): Psalms for the Winter Blues
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughWinter is a time of cold, darkness, and sadness. As many as 10% of people in northern areas have Seasonal Affective Disorder. The Psalms for winter can help.
Ecclesiastes: What is it All About? (Part One)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. RitenbaughEcclesiastes teaches that life has meaning and purpose only when lived by faith for God's Kingdom, not just for earthly, 'under the sun' pursuits.
New Covenant Priesthood (Part Three)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughWithout thanksgiving and praise, our prayers degenerate into the 'gimmes' with the emphasis on the self. We must give God thoughtful thanks in every circumstance.
The Sovereignty of God (Part Eleven)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughUnderstanding God's sovereignty as a basic doctrine provides a link between knowledge and practice, as well as providing motivation to yield to God's purpose.
Ecclesiastes and the Feast of Tabernacles (Part 1)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughLove for this world will inevitably bring disillusionment. Because the world is passing away, our priorities should be to fear God and keep his commandments.
Handwriting Is On The Wall (2019)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThose espousing transhumanism aspire to correct the 'glitches' of human imperfection through gene splicing, replacing 'inferior' organs with synthetic ones.
No Children, No Hope For the Future
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsMany of the leaders in Europe do not have children; they are emblematic of the curse of barrenness. Western civilization has chosen death rather than life.
Lamentations (Part Four)
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughIn Lamentations 2, Lady Jerusalem sidesteps godly repentance, opting instead for self-centered recrimination against Almighty God.
Lamentations (Part Three)
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughPersonified Jerusalem, whom God depicts as a grieving widow, blames others for her troubles while overlooking her own sins as the real cause of her sorrow.
Keeping the Truth Pure
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)If we allow doctrine to be contaminated with man's flawed reason, it will defile the truth. Job's friends used profane sources in their arguments.
The Handwriting Is on the Wall (1994)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. RitenbaughWithout God's Spirit, mankind is guided by another spirit, leading to destructive consequences, made all the more menacing by increased technological capabilities.
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John O. ReidWe need to prepare for a grim future by coming out of this world, exercising and toughening up the spiritual aspects of our lives through Basic Training.
Satan (Part 4)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughSatan uses lies and disinformation to promote self-satisfaction over obedience to God. The way to the kingdom is through self-denial, even suffering unjustly.
Lamentations (Part Five; 1989)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughAmidst the devastation, the narrator has hope that God would rescue his humbled people. Though He punishes, God is still faithful and loyal to His people.
John (Part Eleven)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughThe storm on the Sea of Galilee instructs us that when we are in a trial and getting nowhere, if we invite Christ into the situation, we will have peace.
Matthew (Part Two)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughJesus' 28 'missing' years were spent maturing, studying, and gaining life experience to equip Him as a high priest who could relate to human struggles.