Sermonette: A True Disciple
What Identifies A True Disciple?
Clyde Finklea
Given 24-May-15; 20 minutes
description: (hide) What identifies a person as a true disciple of Christ? John 13:34 commands disciples to love one another as Christ loved us—loving to the extent that He would give up His life. God is composed of love, as described in its many facets in Galatians 5:22 and I Corinthians 13. Two positive facets identified in I Corinthians are longsuffering (the opposite of retaliation and vengeance), as exemplified by David in his response to Saul, and kindness or compassion, as expressed by David to Jonathan's heir. As Christians, we must exercise longsuffering and kindness to all, including to those that have done ill to us. The only way we can be considered disciples of Christ is if we love one another with His standard.