Sermonette: The Lord's Supper
Mike Ford (1955-2021)
Given 13-Jun-15; 20 minutes
description: (hide) The entire nominal Christian world (Orthodox, Protestant, and Roman Catholic) appears oblivious to the understanding that a memorial (such as Memorial Day, Fourth of July, or Pearl Harbor Day) is kept annually. Equivocating with the expression "as oft as you drink it in remembrance of me," the world's churches believe they can do this ritual monthly, weekly, daily, or on any special occasion. Many argue that since we do not know the exact hour that Christ and his disciples kept the Passover, we can keep it whenever we want. It is further argued that since Christ changed the symbols of the Passover, the "spiritual intent is more important than the physical ritual, rendering the exact time of its observance unimportant." Some sentimentalize the Passover ceremony by suggesting that, since newlyweds often celebrate the anniversary of their first date on a monthly basis, Christians also could take the Lord's Supper in a similar manner. Another spurious argument made is Paul's admonition in I Corinthians 11:21-22 against drunkenness at these events, suggesting that this was perhaps a frequent occurrence. The changing of the symbols at Passover did not augment the days people could keep it; the frequent practice of a Lord's Supper derives from Pagan, not biblical origins. The Passover is a once a year ceremony for all baptized members.