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Holy Days: Passover
Bible Study by Earl L. HennPassover may be the most important festival ordained by God. Not only does it memorialize Christ's death, it also symbolizes our redemption and the covenant.
Passover (Part One)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe annual reaffirmation of the covenant through the Passover is at the core of an on-going relationship with the Father and Son, beginning the perfecting process.

How Often Should We Partake of the Lord's Supper?
Herbert W. Armstrong BookletThe biblical proof that God's people should keep the Passover (the Lord's Supper), explaining that it occurs annually on the evening of Nisan 14.
The Lord's Supper
Sermonette by Mike FordEquivocating with the expression 'as oft as you drink it in remembrance of me,' many believe they can observe the Lord's Supper monthly, weekly, or daily.
Matthew (Part Twenty-Three)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughThe apostles' inability to drive out the demon teaches that faith is not a constant factor; it will deteriorate if it not exercised through prayer and fasting.
Matthew (Part Thirty-One)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughThe emotions Jesus felt were real, experiencing every agony, fear, anguish, disappointment, terror and temptation we all experience, yet without sin.