Sermonette: Sovereignty and Choice
If God is Sovereign, Why Does Everything Matter?
David C. Grabbe
Given 26-Nov-16; 18 minutes
description: (hide) The Western mind often falls into the snare of binary (that is, either/or) thinking, which leads to creating false dilemmas. Perhaps the best example of this is the one delineated by Protestant theologians who conceptualize law and grace at the opposite sides of a continuum. They cannot imagine how God's sovereignty and man's free moral agency can co-exist. God is benevolent, but He is also severe. God is not waiting to smash us, but neither is He indulgent. If we acknowledge God as our sovereign, it stands to reason that we are duty-bound to follow what He has said. As we walk in His grace, we begin to develop wisdom as to what is godly behavior and what is not. God's grace never undermines His sovereignty. Our daily walk with God should lead us to make choices resulting in wisdom and discernment.