Sermonette: The Politicalization of Motherhood


Given 10-Feb-18; 21 minutes


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James Taranto's article on The Politicization of Motherhood showcases a book written by psychoanalyst Erica Komisar, a work which ironically has received praise from conservatives and scorn from her fellow liberals. It offers empirical evidence that mothers are crucial in developing the baby's nervous system during the first three years, something that husbands, fathers, or day care centers cannot do. Because the new-born baby has no developed central nervous system, the mother, through conveying the hormone oxytocin through gentle talk, eye contact, and breast feeding, constructs and regulates the baby's nervous system, making the infant less prone to attention deficit disorders, aggression, and depression. Millennial leftists, who feel that gender is a construct created by a patriarchal society, have totally rejected this book, even though rigorous scientific research solidly supports it. Rearing a child is teamwork with the mother and the father bringing different aspects to the emergent personality. The Proverbs 31 woman displays a composite of strength and nurturing totally ignored by leftist justice warriors, who scornfully deride the God-created special differences between the genders.

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