Sermonette: Blessing God


Given 24-Sep-18; 18 minutes


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We must treat God's holy convocations with great care. Today, secularist elitists, academicians and members of the LGBT community are challenging the sacred text, agitating the rank and file person to question God's Word. Protestantism wants to do away with the Old Testament while Judaism wants to do away with the New Testament. Christ assures us that not one jot or tittle would pass from the law till all is fulfilled. God's Law is holy, and puny man cannot change that. God has blessed us immensely and looks with favor on those (like David) who reciprocate these blessings back to Him by glorifying, revering, and praising Him through prayers and psalms, demonstrating exuberance and gratitude. We bless God through obedience to Him, having His word written on our heart. During the Feast of Tabernacles, we have an opportunity to joyfully sing psalms, blessing God through praising Him and obeying His Commandments.

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