Sermonette: Forget Not All His Benefits
Clyde Finklea
Given 24-Nov-18; 18 minutes
description: (hide) We as a people should thank God for our nation—a nation in which we have an abundance to eat in an environment of peace. President Washington issued a proclamation establishing a day of thanksgiving; later, President Lincoln thanked God for civil and religious liberty, adding his supplications for pardon of our nation's iniquities and to grant temporal prosperity. Sadly, the offspring of Jacob have forgotten God, attributing their prosperity to their own strength and resourcefulness. Thankfully, President Trump remembered to include God's name in His Thanksgiving Greeting to the nation. As long as people remember that God brought us into this good land and preserves peace, He will prosper us. The excellency of our power is God (Exodus 15:6). When we forget that foundational principle, God will break the pride of our power (Leviticus 26:19). As God-hating politicians find their way into authority, the nation suffers. As God's called-out ones, we dare not forget His Covenants and His providence. We are to be in a perpetual state of gratitude, acknowledging His grace undeservedly bestowed on us, forgetting not all His benefits.