Sermonette: Vulnerable
Relating to Jesus Christ's Vulnerability
Joseph B. Baity
Given 29-Dec-18; 16 minutes
description: (hide) Even when under extreme duress, Christ accepted the will of His Father, not only submitting, but becoming vulnerable, defenseless and exposed. Christ, completely submitting to the Father's will, provided the prime case study of submission to the authority of God and man, exposing our vulnerability. While we are all different, we are all vulnerable to something, such as fear of deprivation, harm or shame. In response, we all create protective defense mechanisms. Hebrews 5:7-9 instructs us that our Savior learned by suffering, providing an example and showing that the fast track to overcoming our fears is to yield to God. We must take a deep dive into our psyche, realizing how insignificant we are without Christ, Who did not grasp at equality with the Father, but humbly yielded to crucifixion for us (Philippians 2:5-9). Paradoxically, the way to save our lives is to lose our lives to the will of God, exposing the most embarrassing of our vulnerabilities in exchange for becoming a glorified member of His family.