Sermonette: Feelings of Inadequacy
The Spirit of a Sound Mind
Ryan McClure
Given 11-Jun-22; 18 minutes
description: (hide) The CDC's tyrannical lockdowns to ostensibly "flatten" the corona virus has caused a super-epidemic of mental illness. Over the centuries, people across the world have been suffering from feelings of inadequacy and chronic shame from past mistakes and blunders. The carnal human mind, with its hostility to the godly way to peace, leads people to conclude, "there must be something seriously wrong with me." Several Bible luminaries, including Moses (Exodus 3 and 4) and Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:4-10), expressed timidity that God did not approve of. Paul, on the other hand, recognized his vast shortcomings, referring to himself as the chief of sinners, but nevertheless relied on the grace of Almighty God to make up the deficit (I Timothy 1:12-16). The thorn he received in his flesh as a deterrent to vanity served to help him glory in his weakness in order to partake of spiritual sufficiency given by Almighty God (II Corinthians 3:4-6; 12:7-10). Paradoxically, God's strength is made perfect in our weakness and absolute dependence upon His providence. Like Thomas Edison, we should not regard mistakes as failure, but instructive lessons as to where not to proceed again. Satan would like nothing better than convincing us that we are failures, but God has given us everything we could ever need, making us capable and sufficient, having granted us a sound mind (II Timothy 1:7).