Sermonette: The Life Which I Now Live


Given 21-Oct-19; 20 minutes


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Protestantism wrongly teaches that Paul expressed condemnation for God's Holy Days in Galatians 4:8. Rather, Paul was addressing a gentile congregation, the members of which had been observing pagan holidays and observances. Paul challenges the Galatians that, if the Jews were in servitude by exalting human tradition over God's Word, how much more were the gentiles with their weak and beggarly servitude to pagan idolatry. Our previous fellowship similarly came to discard God's Holy Days, observing the full panoply of pagan holidays and traditions. Today, God is putting the Israel of God through trials in order to determine if His people will remain loyal to the covenant they made with God, living a life of sacrifice—including our time, talent and offerings. We have been blessed with abundant physical and spiritual gifts, prompting us to respond with gratitude and generosity (Psalm 96:7-8).

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