Sermonette: Hitting the Mark
The Spirit of the Law
Bill Onisick
Given 14-Mar-20; 17 minutes
description: (hide) One definition of sin is "missing the mark," as one of the Greek words for sin, hamartia denotes. Jesus warns us that, unless our righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees, we have failed to reach our goal. Instead of doing away with the Law, Christ magnified it, teaching its application not only in the letter (our actions) but also in the spirit (our thoughts). Christ's renewal of our minds has the effect of transforming us into His image, enabling us to live our lives as sacrifices. On the eve of His last Passover, Jesus requested a unity or oneness with His Father and with those whom His Father has called. God commands that we spend quality time with others who have Christ's mind, entertaining them in our homes, being sensitive their needs, seeking their best in every way. If we are begrudgingly complying with the letter of the law, we may still be missing the mark by not putting agape love into action. Doing so will drive away fear while strengthening our bonds of our spiritual family.