Sermonette: The Shout of a King
David C. Grabbe
Given 07-Sep-21; 19 minutes
description: (hide) The Hebrew word Teruah emphasizes an ear-splitting sound, not necessarily referring to a source, signaling war, alarm, rejoicing, or victory. One of the most significant of the three dozen uses of Teruah is Balaam's abortive curse on Israel in which he declares "the shout of praise to their King is among the people" (Numbers 23:21). The shout from the people occurred also when the ark of the Covenant came to the camp of Israel, making the ground shake (I Samuel 4:5-7). When the ark was returned to Israel from the Philistines, shouting erupted from the elated Israelites. The prophecy of Zechariah 9:9 in which the daughter of Jerusalem was commanded to shout to their king riding on a donkey was fulfilled in Matthew 21:4-9 when Jesus triumphantly rode into Jerusalem to the dismay of the corrupt religious leaders, who will suffer severe judgment until they recognize Him as Messiah. Zephaniah, whose name means "God will conceal," describes a joyful time when Jesus Christ, the King, will join the throng of singers rejoicing (Zephaniah 3:14-17) following spontaneous, joyful shouts from His grateful subjects.