Sermonette: Going Up to the Mountain of the Lord

Learning to Rejoice

Given 18-Sep-21; 19 minutes


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God commands His chosen saints to rejoice during the Feast of Booths. We make a journey to where He has placed His name, prefiguring a time when the entire earth will be under God's government and keeping God's holy laws will regularly summoned to the Mountain of the Lord to be taught directly by God Almighty. Even though it is difficult to rejoice in the midst of current trials and horrendous loss, God's people are instructed to look up, over the sun to a joyous time Christ returns, when there will be no more tears and suffering. In the meantime, we as the Israel of God are mandated to be anxious for nothing, seeking the blessed peace that passes understanding, keeping the Feast of Tabernacles with rejoicing, imitating the joy God continually experiences.

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