Sermonette: Walking With God Through Trials
Craig Sablich
Given 23-Sep-21; 16 minutes
Sometimes the command to count it all joy when enduring fiery trials can seem like a confusing enigma unless we consider that trials may be the special tool God uses to perfect character, molding us into the specific purpose which He has planned for us. In football practice, a coach continually yells at the rookie players to mature them into seasoned and mature members of the team. If we really believe that God controls everything, placing each member in his or her specific role in the body, we understand the big picture as to how God will use each one of us in our specific role in His Spiritual team, namely the Body of Christ, with its many interdependent body parts (I Corinthians 12). We could consider our entire life one perpetual trial, with milestones to establish God's stated purpose of making us in His Image (Genesis 1:26-28). The trials and tests we undergo were purposely planned by Almighty God to mature us into His family. Trials, instead of prompting a "woe is me" orientation, should be re-evaluated as valuable experiences or steppingstones nudging us into God's divine purpose for us.