Sermonette: Fear of the Unknown
Craig Sablich
Given 14-May-22; 15 minutes
description: (hide) Parents have sometimes told their offspring scary stories to promote a healthy sense of fear from exploring dangerous boundaries. The recent Covid plan-demic has inspired advertisers to capitalize on the fear of germs lurking in showerheads. Fear of the unknown is the most prevalent fear plaguing all humanity. The apostle Paul in Philippians 4:6 instructs us firmly to be anxious for nothing but to take every request to God in prayer, experiencing the peace of God which surpasses all understanding. Almighty God, who has given us a sound mind via His Holy Spirit (II Timothy 1:7), asks us to yield unconditionally to His shaping power, not fearing tests and trials which help us to grow and change spiritually as we follow our Savior exclusively. With the power of God's Holy Spirit, we yield to His holy laws, keeping the Sabbath and rejecting the pagan counterfeit days (Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc.) As we pass the preliminary tests, the trials become increasingly more difficult. If we put our trust in men or our faulty interpretation of current events, we may lose our balance as had the timid spies sent out to spy the promised land, or Elijah momentarily taking his focus off the big picture. Fear (except fear of God) is a thief, robbing us of confidence. God wants us to live our lives in day-tight compartments, trusting that He is sovereign over time all the time (Matthew 6:25), who protects us from the fear of the unknown and all the dreadful things that go bump in the night.