Sermonette: Isolation
A Brief Look Into One of God's Most Effective Tools
Joseph B. Baity
Given 04-Dec-21; 16 minutes
description: (hide) This past year, but especially around the Feast of Tabernacles, a number of God's people experienced the isolation of quarantine, leading them to question God's purpose or motive for imposing the unsettling and confusing isolation. It became apparent that God wanted His people to be still physically and mentally, allowing Him to take care of the Feast and the well-being of the people over all. God uses isolation as a tool for a plethora of reasons—some for protective purposes (as with Noah and his family or Abraham leaving his country), some for quarantine (Leviticus 13:3-4), some for correction (as with Miriam, Numbers 12:15 and Jonah), some for punishment (as with Adam and Eve, driven out of Eden, or with the scattering from the Tower of Babel). In recent times, God has scattered His Church, both for correction and protection. The Sabbath is a significant form of isolation, screening God's people from the world, identifying them with a seal or sign. Jesus, in His prayer to His Father, expressed a desire to isolate His people from evil and danger as they made their spiritual journey through the world (John 17:6-17). God's people have been isolated for a sacred purpose; He expects us to contemplate His thoughtful and purposeful sanctification.