Sermonette: Humility


Given 29-Jan-22; 20 minutes


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The late Dan Fletcher, over 22 years ago, described Philippians 2:3-4, namely the command to esteem others over self, as perhaps one of the most difficult commands to implement. Because the apostle Paul intricately tied self-centeredness or pride as the usual motivation in the interactions with others, humility became the logical antidote to poisonous pride. Our Lord and Savior set the standard for us, finding Himself in appearance as a man, chose to humble Himself, becoming obedient to the point of death (Philippians 2:5). Because all of us have been called out of a life which would have led to death, the best task to begin after our repentance is to build godly character with humility, submitting ourselves to Almighty God and to one another. Realizing that we are more inclined to listen to someone else's advice when offered in humility and for genuine concern for us, we ought to reciprocate in like manner. Character grows over a lifetime, hammered out on the anvil of life's experiences, stemming from a clear realization of one's forgiveness reflecting a profound spirit of humility. Prior to becoming a useful tool in God's hands, able to show compassion to others, we must recognize that we were cast off pieces of junk, although we had been hypnotized by our intense egos nurtured by our carnal human nature, to exalt ourselves over others. Humility is not an obsequious act we turn on and off at will, but a sober reflection of our true relationship to God and our spiritual siblings.

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