Sermonette: Agape Never Fails


Given 17-Oct-22; 18 minutes


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Isaiah 35: 6-8 contains a Millennial prophecy in which the most arid places on the earth will become a watered garden, bringing the deserts to life. Another prophecy in Ezekiel 47: 1-7 describes the entrance of a future temple in which living water will flow with increasing intensity as it flows with power healing the parched ground and making fresh the salty water of the Dead Sea. The physical water which brings the desert to life is a type of God's Holy Spirit which Jesus informed the woman at the well would permanently eliminate thirst, the spiritual water Jesus invited the crowds to drink on the Eighth Day (John 7:37). Revelation 21:6-7 points forward to the pure waters of the living river always flowing, bringing life and healing to the nations. Isaiah 44:3-4 identifies the nexus between the physical water which makes the deserts flourish and God's Holy Spirit of Agape love which brings eternal life and an intimate relationship with God the Father and Jesus Christ, our future Bridegroom. Today only .0002 percent of the earth has fresh drinking water while 75% of the earth is covered by undrinkable saltwater oceans. In the wonderful World Tomorrow, all that will be turned around when most of the water will be fresh and God's Holy Spirit composed of Agape love will slake the spiritual thirst of all mankind.

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