Playlist: Feast of Tabernacles 2022
Handwriting on the Wall: Forgetfulness
Richard T. RitenbaughGiven 09-Oct-22; 45 minutes
America once had national greatness, but because of the ignorance of youth, forgetting the lessons from history, they will soon pay for their forgetfulness.
Why Freewill Offerings?
Richard T. RitenbaughGiven 10-Oct-22; 20 minutes
Offerings are commanded just as much as tithes, but God gives us the choice to determine just how valuable the physical and spiritual blessings are for us.
Prosperity's Consequences
Martin G. CollinsGiven 10-Oct-22; 66 minutes
Prosperity is not always an emblem of God's approval. God will not prosper us if it would cause spiritual damage, insulating us from seeking His kingdom.
The Second Greatest Commandment
Clyde FinkleaGiven 10-Oct-22; 17 minutes
Jesus said the greatest commandments were Lord toward God and neighbor. There is no connective between the first and second clauses; they cannot be separated.
Deuteronomy: Hearing
Richard T. RitenbaughGiven 10-Oct-22; 80 minutes
By listening, taking heed, and drinking in of God's Word daily, we take on the wisdom of God, upending and making foolish the wisdom of man.
A Royal Priesthood
Austin Del CastilloGiven 11-Oct-22; 19 minutes
We have a much bigger reason for developing godly character than merely make it into the Kingdom. We are rehearsing our roles as a royal priesthood.
Why Are We Here and What Is Our Focus?
Mark SchindlerGiven 11-Oct-22; 64 minutes
God has a plan to bring all to Christ, but each in his own order. We cannot have a proper understanding of the plan if we do not keep Christ as the focus.
Wonders of God
Ronny H. GrahamGiven 12-Oct-22; 24 minutes
When science confines itself to observable facts, it is impossible to escape the evidence of intelligent design and the reality of God.
For the Children
David C. GrabbeGiven 12-Oct-22; 38 minutes
For too many youths, God's way of life is not real because their parents are not fully convicted, but merely express a lukewarm preference for God's truth.
River of Life
Bill OnisickGiven 12-Oct-22; 30 minutes
I Corinthians 13 describes the assaying instrument to detect the purity of love. Our need for love never ends as we move through the sanctification process.
Joseph B. BaityGiven 13-Oct-22; 19 minutes
Our motives must be to serve God and our spiritual siblings rather than elevating ourselves. Are we trying to help or merely putting on a show?
Deuteronomy: Fear
Richard T. RitenbaughGiven 13-Oct-22; 77 minutes
When people allow fear to rule them, they lose their mind. Fear of God, however, is not mind killing, but inspires a reverential awe of the Creator.
The Master of Time
Levi W. GrahamGiven 14-Oct-22; 19 minutes
Time can be viewed as our greatest adversary or our principal asset, depending on how we use this commodity to conform to the purpose God has intended for us.
God Expects a Return on His Investment (Part Five)
Not by Might, Nor by PowerDavid F. Maas
Given 14-Oct-22; 73 minutes
The sanctification process is slow and methodical with no dazzling pyrotechnics. Each of us are given a basic set of gifts to serve our spiritual siblings.
Why Do You Believe What You Believe?
Craig SablichGiven 15-Oct-22; 16 minutes
Why are we taking ten days out of our lives, putting 10% of our income aside, bringing ourselves to a vacation mecca but seemingly not doing whatever we want?
Chosen Instruments of God
Ted E. BowlingGiven 15-Oct-22; 40 minutes
Paul was chosen, but Ananias was also chosen. Ananias's role was like a Jew living in Nazi Germany, ordered by God to minister to a repentant SS officer.
It Can Only Be One Way - Choose!
Kim MyersGiven 15-Oct-22; 45 minutes
As the carcasses of our forebears covered the Sinai, the ruined lives of former believers who compromised with God's law, also have succumbed to ruin.
James BeaubelleGiven 16-Oct-22; 17 minutes
Discouragement paralyzes one's efforts to overcome temptation or to lose patience in a trial, ultimately leading to deterioration or the destruction of faith.
Where Do We Go From Here?
Mark SchindlerGiven 16-Oct-22; 73 minutes
I AM, the surname of the God family, applies to God the Father and Son who desire to share that glory with their called-out saints (John 17).
An Abundant Spiritual Offering
David C. GrabbeGiven 17-Oct-22; 20 minutes
The number eight signifies a new start with abundance abundance following a period of time (a week, seven years, or a millennium) of preparatory activity.
Judgment Is a Merciful Blessing
Martin G. CollinsGiven 17-Oct-22; 63 minutes
God is patient and tender-hearted to late bloomers, forgiving sincerely repentant individuals, but will not budge an inch on rebellion or sin.
Agape Never Fails
Bill OnisickGiven 17-Oct-22; 18 minutes
In the World Tomorrow, the majority of the water will be fresh and God's Holy Spirit composed of agape love will slake mankind's spiritual thirst.
Deuteronomy: Being Careful
Richard T. RitenbaughGiven 17-Oct-22; 69 minutes
Our care in following God's instructions must be thorough, leaving no place for inattention, short cuts, negligence, or doing only enough to get by.