Sermonette: Gratitude for Deliverance and God's Word
David C. Grabbe
Given 06-Apr-23; 19 minutes
description: (hide) Even though we have heard over the years that the Feast of Unleavened Bread signifies coming out of sin, the principal focus is that we acknowledge and remember God as our Deliverer. Egypt serves metaphorically as the environment of sin, oppression, and estrangement from God. In other words, Egypt is a symbol of the world, and the Pharaoh is a type of the world's ruler, Satan. Like our forebears on the Sinai, we once walked according to the course of this world and its prince, and we would have inherited God's wrath like everyone else, except for a special calling by Almighty God. Thankfully, we now have God's hedge around us, and we have the means to resist Satan while the rest of the world is under his influence. We have a major responsibility after our deliverance to use God's Holy Spirit to identify what is of Satan so we are not influenced by him or the present evil age. Exodus 13:2-10 teaches us that eating unleavened bread signifies that the Lord's law should be perpetually in our mouths, symbolizing the Bread of Life (John 6:35) bringing eternal, abundant life. Replacing the cares of the world with God's word will provide wisdom, protection from deception, and a blessed relationship with Almighty God.