Sermonette: He Came to Reintroduce a Way of Life

Did Christ Come to Start a New Religion?

Given 28-Oct-23; 18 minutes


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The carnal mind, without God's Holy Spirit, is hostile to His laws, refusing to let anybody tell it what to do. Most people in the world's secular societies feel this way about God and religion. Ironically, the laws imposed by human rule are far more oppressive than God's law of liberty. All people have their own distinct religion or way of life, focusing on what they find pleasing, providing a variety of stimulation and entertainment—usually what is not in their best interest. Anything not focused upon Almighty God will enslave. Man's rules bind, restrict, and confine men's lives. Man's religions, including Judaism, Roman Catholicism, and Islam, add rules that bind and restrict. Jesus Christ did not come to start a new religion, but instead reintroduce a way of life that would liberate people from sin. God's law of liberty liberates man from sin (lawlessness) by living the way He lives. God's laws liberate, teach, and guide man to a much better way to live. They have been designed by a loving Creator for the benefit of all men—not to control them, but enabling them to win at life, receiving blessings that occur when living as God lives.

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