Sermonette: Flavorless Salt

The Third Commandment: Representing God

Given 16-Mar-24; 15 minutes


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The metaphor of properly flavoring our speech with salt in Colossians 4:5-6 applies to how God's called-out saints display their verbal behavior to outsiders or those who have not yet been called. How God's people display themselves to others reflects upon the family name of God Almighty. When we, as God's saints engage in gossip, negative taking or complaining, unsavory language, swearing or cursing, using euphemisms, we are taking God's name in vain. Matthew 12:37- 37 , comparing fruit from good trees and fruit from bad trees, we learn that every idle word we utter, we will be giving an account for in the day of judgment. When we display foul language, we advertise our pitiful lack of education, indicating that our salt has lost its savor ( Matthew 5:13-16) , useless to provide flavor, metaphorically glorifying God's name. As we interact with people who have not yet received God's calling, we need to consider our speech , that it is seasoned with salt, enabling purity and flavor.

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