Sermonette: Greatest Offering

Humility and Love

Given 23-Apr-24; 19 minutes


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In I Corinthians 11:25, we learn of the awesome cost of love, namely the sacrifice of the life of our Savior and Lord for us while we were still sinners, destined to die without this special sacrifice. Like our ancient forebears on the Sinai, we are all were drawn to Satan's deception, having a deceitful, carnal heart (Jeremiah 17:9) which must be replaced if we are to enter God's kingdom. Christ warns us to beware of the leavening of the Pharisees consisting of hypocrisy and patently false teaching based on tradition rather than God's word. We fall prey to temptations by Satan's exploitations of both our weaknesses and strengths. We know, for example, that knowledge (and yes, Godly knowledge) has the potential of puffing us up. The Corinthians were infatuated by their spiritual gifts, but did not realize that without agape love, each one of these gifts were next to worthless. The Pharisees and the scribes had more knowledge of the law than anyone else but focused purely on the negative aspects. Sadly, when pride takes over, the bearer of knowledge of any kind is easily corrupted. God hates self-righteousness because love is drained out of its hideous practice. God demands that we love, do justice, and walk humbly (Matthew 23:23, Micah 6:6), assuming the role of a servant rather than a tyrant, after the manner of the gentiles. We were baptized into Christ's death by immersion into a watery grave—our yearly practice of foot washing (indicating service, humility, and the practice of sacrificial love - John 15:9-13).

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