Sermonette: Our Growing Fellowship


Given 28-Dec-24; 19 minutes


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Living in the divisive and hostile ideological climate of the world, a virtual "insane asylum," it is hard for God's chosen saints to maintain a sound mind and rely on His spirit to remain sober and loving in face of these external challenges. Our Lord and Savior taught the necessity of extending love and forgiveness to both spiritual siblings and enemies. Harboring hate equates to spiritual murder. We learn from Our Savior, who experienced betrayal, to apply the transformative power of God's forgiveness, encouraging His chosen saints to grow in compassion and empathy through life's challenges. We need to nurture fellowship with our spiritual siblings, forgiving others as Christ forgave, steadfastly resisting pride and division within the church. The more closely we align ourselves with God's will, the better to prepare for the responsibilities of His Kingdom.

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