Sermonette: The Yard Stick of Judgment


Given 01-Feb-25; 14 minutes


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God's saints must carefully distinguish the differences between judging situations and judging people, realizing that Matthew 7:1-2 warns that using flawed human judgment will boomerang back on its user, and that with the same vehemence and intolerance we judge other people, God will judge us. While God grants us the authority to judge situations, He does not permit us to judge people because He alone is able to know the heart (Jeremiah 17:10)—we do not. If we try to judge, using our woefully inadequate sources of data gathering, it can lead to partiality and gossip, causing others to stumble (Mark 9:42). The apostle Paul, in Romans 2:1-2 and I Timothy, urges the absolute need for humility, relying on God's perfect judgment rather than our inferior judgment, demonstrating grace and mercy rather than condemnation.

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