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How Prepared Are You?
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)As we prepare for the coming disasters resulting from cracks in our national character, it behooves us to get our physical and spiritual families in order.
The Point of No Return
Commentary by Joseph B. BaityEven before COVID-19, Americans were gripped by anxiety, fear, and depression, pointing to an unrecognized but quickly spreading mental health pandemic.
Are We Happy?
Sermonette by Ronny H. GrahamThe inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness can only be realized when we live in gratitude for Our Creator's purpose for us.
Be Still!
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThe end-time proclivity of 'running to and fro' like so many ants is not something of God. He did not intend for us to live in such a fast-paced world.

A Rewired Society (Part One)
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughWe are being rewired, with the social Internet and media dangerously altering thought processes, making young and old more susceptible to believing lies.
Overcoming Discouragement and Depression
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsEven loyal servants of God have had to contend with depression and discouragement. Antidotes include rest, refocus, right expectations, and obedient actions.

Everlasting Consolation and Good Hope
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsGod's saints are not immune to depression. Job, Moses, and Elijah all felt so overwhelmed, they wanted God to take their lives.
Be Anxious For Nothing
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughFear and anxiety are normal human emotions. But through changing our focus from earthly to heavenly things, we can rise above the concerns, remembering Who is with us.
Anger (Part Two)
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsWe dare not let the sun go down on our wrath. Uncontrolled anger can be a major cause of mental and physical illness. We must reconcile with our adversaries.
Lamentations (Part Four)
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughIn Lamentations 2, Lady Jerusalem sidesteps godly repentance, opting instead for self-centered recrimination against Almighty God.
Keeping the Faith Once Delivered
Sermon by Kim MyersWinds of doctrine continue to blow through the church, including Sacred Names, new moons, and Christ's eternal pre-existence before His birth as a human.
Our Part in the Sanctification Process (Part Two): Cultivating Love
Sermon by David F. MaasThe opposite of selfishness is not self-hatred, but mature self-love, loving ourselves as a responsible, caring parent would (or should) love a growing child.
Our Father
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John O. ReidEmotional and spiritual well-being of children improves when fathers fulfill their role. People from dysfunctional families have a skewed image of God.
Acts (Part Fourteen)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughThe people of Lystra and Derbe mistake Paul for Hermes and Barnabas for Zeus. When Paul convinces the crowds that he and Barnabas are not gods, they are rejected.