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What Is Your Social Credit Ranking?

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

Social scoring is the rating of a person's influence by such criteria as the number of social media followers. The effect will be to create a caste system.

No More Secrets

Commentary by Ryan McClure

The governmental intrusions into privacy, depicted by the movie Sneakers, have become a grim reality. With life online, nothing is secret.

Staying On Point

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

We need to carefully consider whether TV and the Internet are really a blessing or a potentially life-threatening curse—another pull we are forced to resist.

The Blame Game

Commentary by Joseph B. Baity

People revere doctors and technology above God. We are obsessed with negative and fake news, all assigning blame and pointing critical fingers.

A Famine of The Word (Part One)

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

Billionaires have commandeered Apple, Twitter, Google, and Facebook, all ostensibly created for promoting free speech, for the purpose of censoring comments.

A Christian's Information Filter

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

People make judgments—sometimes consciously, but probably more often unconsciously—about what goes into their minds, and this has an effect over time.

What's Your Source?

Commentary by David C. Grabbe

No matter how finely tuned is one's baloney detector, wrong-headed thinking etches wrong concepts into minds around the world, even in the church of God.

Where Is Cancel Culture Headed?

'WorldWatch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The political and cultural Left has allied with giant tech corporations to sideline people and institutions who do not espouse the 'right' ideas and beliefs.

Human's Replacement

Sermonette by Bill Onisick

A robot has been developed with self-awareness and able to recombine knowledge, providing an artificial intelligence which could make humans obsolete.

Navigating the Third Wave

'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The Third Wave is the Information Age, highlighted by instant communication, rapid transportation and ready information on any conceivable topic.

A Light To The World

Commentary by Mark Schindler

Exposure to more than two hours per day on digital screens lowers scores on thinking and language tests. We must not abandon our children to smartphones.

A Political Hurricane

Commentary by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Mass media and social media have been deliberately poking political hot buttons, purposely dividing the people of this nation to take adversary positions.

The Usual Chaos

Commentary by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Michael Crichton predicted the disinformation age we are living through right now, warning that it would be difficult to separate reality from fantasy.

Another Mark of the Beast

Commentary by David F. Maas

Big Tech is creating a new mode of governance through which data analytics are used to create algorithms that decide rewards and punishment for targeted behaviors.

Christians and Politics

Commentary by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Even though conservative views seem to be more compatible with the Bible, neither Republican nor Democrat standards are consistent with God's standards.

Think First of What We Say

Commentary by Bill Onisick

The information from media and the internet have demonstrated various degrees of inaccuracy. Consequently, we are vulnerable to spreading false reports.

Where Hope Lies

Sermonette by Joseph B. Baity

Jesus Christ is the only solution; catastrophic steps in God's plan may be the painful road back to normalcy, while consequences of sins must come to the forefront.

Our Historical Myopia

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Most people's window of experience and knowledge—their perspective on life—does not stretch beyond their own memories.

The Ambiguous Mind

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

We cannot vacillate between allegiance to the world's standards and God's perfect standards. As one asks for wisdom, one must relinquish doubt.


Commentary by Bill Onisick

Social media, text messages, e-mails, websites and blogs are competing for our time, eroding our attention spans and exhausting our ability to concentrate.

Take the Red Pill

Sermonette by Bill Onisick

If we were to consciously monitor our thoughts, we would be appalled about the percentage of our day that we are exclusively wrapped up in ourselves.

Are We Happy?

Sermonette by Ronny H. Graham

The inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness can only be realized when we live in gratitude for Our Creator's purpose for us.

Faith and Technology

Sermonette by David C. Grabbe

As technology becomes more available, the material world threatens to crowd God out of the picture. The information age will destroy us unless we manage it.

Points of Reference

Sermonette by Joseph B. Baity

Ancient mariners recognized they were off course due to stormy weather, unlike those of us today who may be unaware that we are off course on our journey.

Are We Mentally Fit?

Commentary by Bill Onisick

People are now battling sleep difficulty, anxiety, depression, and loneliness as never before in history.

Dating (Part 1): The Purposes of Dating

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

A key ingredient in dating is faith in God's purpose. The relationship one has with God takes precedence over any relationship with any other human being.

Housing and Property Redistribution

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

The United Nations Agenda 21 plan recommends the confiscation of private property for the sake of an equitable economic and social system.

Are You Happy? (Part One)

CGG Weekly by Ronny H. Graham

only one in three Americans reports being very happy. American unhappiness has increased over the past decade as American life deteriorates.

Invisible Algorithms

CGG Weekly by Steven Skidmore

Using data such as website history, social media friend lists, and click behavior on news headlines, algorithms make guesses about what content to show us.

The Fifth Teacher (Part Three)

CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

The fifth teacher in Corinth was not a person but the 'wisdom' of the time, whispered by countless voices, overriding the truth that God had revealed to them.

What is Truth?

Sermonette by Ryan McClure

Truth is a fundamental base of a relationship between God and His people. As the days grow evil, God's people must cling to the truth and love His holy law.

Beware the Second Flood (Part One)

CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

The immediate danger lies not as much in the specific teachings of the flood from the serpent but in their sheer volume. The peril lies in being swept away.

The Same Plumb Line

Commentary by David C. Grabbe

A former president was sexually immoral, lied with impunity, and misused his position. The same is true of the current one. Will we apply God's standard equally?

Day of Deception

Commentary by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Our vulnerability to deception has been increased with the exponential explosion of information, via Facebook, Twitter, and other internet sources.

Cancel Culture

Commentary by Ryan McClure

Offense will be common in the end times, and many will attempt to cancel those who disagree, as the Pharisees cancelled Jesus Christ by execution.

The Same Mind, Judgment, and Speech (Part One)

CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

The Loch Ness monster can represent any knowledge: In the uncertainty, what is adamantly held by some to be true may be rejected by others as preposterous.

Follow the Herd?

Commentary by Mark Schindler

Greed has caused panic buying and selling of pharmaceutical stocks and has spawned a booming vaccine industry coupled with shameless scientific fraud.

One Answer to Distractions

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Distractions and interruptions caused by phone, e-mail, computers, or texting are detrimental to productivity and to the operating a business at a profit.

More On Lying - An Apology

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

We need to be careful absorbing articles and blogs which may conform to our preconceived view of things, but do not necessarily conform to the truth.

The Same Mind, Judgment, and Speech (Part Three)

CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

Despite our differences, Jesus Christ is our commonality. As we pursue His image, we will have greater harmony with those seeking the same thing.

The Flood Is Upon Us!

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

Revelation 12 pictures a flood proceeding from the mouth of the dragon, sweeping many away in a torrent of information that drowns out the truth.

The Same Mind, Judgment, and Speech

Sermonette by David C. Grabbe

With the mind of Christ, we can agree with our spiritual siblings. We do not receive the fullness of Christ's mind at baptism; we must continue to seek it.

Can You Handle the Truth?

Sermonette by Austin Del Castillo

We must be willing to allow God to make changes in our thinking, even when those changes discomfort the beliefs to which we have acclimated ourselves.

The End Is Not Yet

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

God's people do a disservice to the cause of truth when they allow the media-hype to trigger a false hope about Jesus Christ's return being imminent.