The Truth About Deception (Part One)
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeThe Bible frequently warns against deception because all are susceptible. Recognizing one lie does not mean that we are immune to all others.
Deceptions of the End Time
'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. RitenbaughOur world is full of lies, and many are ignorant of just how much deceit is out there. The best way to resist deception is being convicted of the truth.
The Truth About Deception (Part Three)
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeHow are we different from those who have fallen away from the truth? How do we know that we will not also follow a path of deception and eventual apostasy?
Day of Deception
Commentary by Richard T. RitenbaughOur vulnerability to deception has been increased with the exponential explosion of information, via Facebook, Twitter, and other internet sources.
The False Christ Deception
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsA new lie alleges that a tomb has been found with the remains of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and their alleged son Judah. It may undermine the faith of many.
The Beast and Religion
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Satan is highly organized and has extended his tentacles into every aspect of life, including religion. The second Beast of Revelation 13 is a religious leader.
Antichrist Deceptions
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsAntichrists manifest several characteristics, including fostering deception and confusion, preventing fellowship, and creating intense spiritual conflict.
Preventing Deception
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughReligious hucksters use the bait of self-gratification, selling non-essential or even heretical ideas. The elect resist deception by knowing the real article.
The Sin of Self-Deception
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughIn our relationship with God, we must emphasize principle over pragmatism. If we are led into deception, it is because our carnal nature wanted it that way.
Deception, Idolatry and the Feast of Tabernacles
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughJeroboam, pragmatic and fearful, established a more convenient idolatrous festival to prevent his people from keeping the real Feast of Tabernacles in Judah.
Religious Confusion and You
'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. RitenbaughNothing is more confused than the state of religion today. However, God's people can stay above the fray by being firmly grounded in His Word.
Strangers to the Truth (Part Three)
CGG Weekly by Mike FordPaul reveals the dividing line between the saved and the unsaved, the undeceived and the deceived: Those who do not have the 'love of the truth' will die.
How Was it Accomplished So Easily? (Part Five)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Lying is Satan's principle modus operandi. Following his influence, corporations and even churches shave the truth.
Being Deceived
Sermon by Clyde FinkleaChrist warned that many would be deceived, though no one ever admits to being deceived. The Bible warns of deceptions from within and without the church.
Let No One Deceive You
'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. RitenbaughIncreasing knowledge and other modern factors lend themselves to deception, yet this is one of the primary end-time trends that Jesus warns us against.
Touched by the 'Spirit'?
'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. RitenbaughThe Bible foretells the rise of a deceptive spirituality at the end time, and today, there is a great interest in 'spiritual' things.
The Spirit of Antichrist
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughAll of us have anti-Christ tendencies in us, and must work vigorously to root out the anti-Christ elements within ourselves and to become like Christ.
Damnable Heresies
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughMany heresies have crept into the church over the past several years. Here is how Satan works to introduce heresy into the church, and what we can do about it.
Deceivers and Antichrists (Part One)
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeJohn's epistles are the only places the term "antichrist" is used. This word has taken on a life of its own, especially within Evangelical Protestantism.
Is God a False Minister?
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughThose who advocate doctrinal change portray God as a confused and false minister who lacks the power to instruct his chosen leaders to 'get it right.'
False Gospels
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughA major clue for discerning false gospels is that any teaching attempting to change the nature of God or Christ or their doctrines is anti-Christ and false.
The Gift of Discernment and Godly Love
'Ready Answer' by Ronny H. GrahamScripture warns about end-time deceivers who will seduce church members to ungodly beliefs and ways. We must make righteous judgments to reject what is false.
Looks Fair, Feels Foul
Sermon/Bible Study by Richard T. RitenbaughBe wary of things and people that appear attractive and fair on the outside, but are actually foul and destructive underneath. Evaluate the fruit.
The Gun Lap Is Looming
Sermon by John O. ReidAs we near the conclusion of our spiritual journey, the more dangerous obstacles we will face. Satan will pull out all stops to destroy us.
Why Isn't Harold Camping Right?
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Many are woefully ignorant biblically. Christ warned that no one will know the day or hour of His return, and that many will try to deceive about this event.
A Place of Safety? (Part 4)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe prophecies concerning the Man of Sin refer to a person with great political power with global significance rather than to a leader of a small church.
Beware of False Prophets
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsFalse prophets promote the broad way, giving people what they want to hear. They replace God's truth with human tradition. They are identified by their fruit.
As in the Days of Noah
Sermonette by Ted E. BowlingThe 2014 movie 'Noah' is blatantly Satan-inspired and anti-God. It assassinates the character of a just man who walked with God, doing violence to God's Word.
Does Doctrine Really Matter? (Part One)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe strife between this world's belief systems shows that God did not originate them. False teachings are dangerous because they can erode the faith.
Is God a Magician?
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughTechnology makes us susceptible to the 'quick fix' mentality, expecting miraculous solutions to all problems, making us susceptible to false miracles.
We Must Learn to Fly
Sermon by John O. ReidIf we are rescued from our tests and trials, we will not be able to perform. We need struggle, tribulation, pressure, and trials to develop patience.
Four Warnings (Part Two): Beware of False Prophets
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughGod's people will know false teachers by their fruits. Even as helpless sheep, we must exercise vigilance detecting the fruits of their preaching.
The Four Horsemen (Part Two): The White Horse
'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. RitenbaughAt God's command, the white horse and its rider ride over the earth 'conquering and to conquer.' It is a precursor of the destruction that is wrought by its fellows.
Rome's Challenge (Part 3)
Article by StaffJesus never deviated from observing the 7th-day Sabbath, nor ever hinted at moving its holiness or sanctification to the first day of the week.
Does Doctrine Really Matter? (Part Thirteen)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe elect are not immune to antinomian deception, including the doctrine of eternal security, the total depravity of man, unconditional love, and cheap grace.
Four Views of Christ (Part 1)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughIn the typology of the four living creatures (Revelation 4:6-8) lies the foundation for understanding the gospels as four representations of the same Life.