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Sermonette by Ryan McClure

We should cultivate the Heinz Ketchup motto ('The best things come to those who wait'), rather than the Burger King approach ('Your way, right away').

Pre-Feast Annoyances

Sermonette by Ronny H. Graham

As we prepare for the Feast of Tabernacles, chances are that there will be things that test our patience and even a few more will crop up when we get there.

I Want Patience - and I Want It Now!

Article by John O. Reid

We can confuse apathy with patience. God's people should always strive to be proactive, praying, fasting and studying to strengthen our foundations.


Bible Study by Martin G. Collins

Longsuffering, or patience, the fourth fruit of the Spirit, is a much needed virtue in a fast-paced, impatient world.

Patience (2019)

Sermonette by Ronny H. Graham

Patience, a fruit of God's Spirit and a trait He abundantly displays, is not a passive turning away, but an active effort to control bursts of anger.

What Makes a True Disciple? (Part Two)

CGG Weekly by Clyde Finklea

Love is patient and kind. These are the only two characteristics Paul says love is, defining it positively. What follows is what love does not do.

The Longsuffering of Our Lord Is Salvation

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Because God has demonstrated incredible longsuffering with our shortcomings, we should similarly exercise forbearance to those who have offended us.

Repentant Goats

Sermon by Bill Onisick

Because of our carnal natures, we have many goat-like tendencies, leading us to do it our own way. Like stubborn billy goats, we are short on longsuffering.

Principled Living (Part Seven): Enduring to the End

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Like a marathoner or a soldier fighting a battle, we are admonished to endure to the end, standing firm, holding our ground, and resisting assaults.

Establishing Our Hearts Before Christ's Return

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

James emphasizes patience five times, suggesting that it is a capstone of saintly character, encompassing long-suffering, forbearance, and self-restraint.

Patiently Waiting for Christ's Return

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

We must develop an active, God-given restraint and constancy in endurance while facing trials and waiting for Christ's return, trusting that God will provide.

The Longsuffering of God

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Ronny H. Graham

God has exercised patience, longsuffering, and forbearance, but He cannot acquit the unrepentant sinner.

The Fruit of the Spirit: Patience

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

Biblically, patience is far more than simple endurance or longsuffering. The patience that God has shown man gives us an example of what true, godly patience is.

The Continuous Testing of Our Faith

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

The constant tests to which God submits His people enable them to build character by responding in faith. God perfected Abraham's faith through difficult trials.

Is Any Time Right for You?

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Martin G. Collins

When life is empty, time drags; when life is full, time flies. In order to make the best use of time, we must spend it on something that will outlast it.


Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

God put up with the foibles of Abraham, Samson, David, Job, and others, allowing them time to repent and build character. We need to develop this godly trait.